Job Search Tips For Australia: Resume and Cover Letter

Anant Kasliwal
6 min readNov 16, 2023

Are you looking to migrate to Australia? Migrating to a foreign country is scary.

There are a lot of things that need to be planned out. Managing your finances is one of the biggest challenges that you’ll face as you plan your migration journey. What can be of great help is landing a job relatively quickly once you arrive in your new country as that helps in smoothing things out.

Among all the questions that I’ve got from people who are actively searching for their first jobs in the Australian market, the most common question is about how to prepare resumes and cover letters. People are always seeking clarity around what should be highlighted in resumes and cover letters, what’s an ideal format, whether it’s recommended to have one resume that fits all or having different versions is a better strategy, what’s the ideal number of pages, etc.

And that’s where I hope this article can help.

In this article, we’ll talk about resumes and cover letters. I’ve shared below the key aspects that you should mention in your resume and cover letters, the format, content, and the customization that you should do across these key components. I’ve also shared the need for customizing your resume, and how you can do it.

