Anny Ndon
2 min readOct 14, 2023

Cross River National Park

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Cross River national park in Nigeria

Cross River National Park is a national park located in southeastern Nigeria. It encompasses two separate sections: Okwangwo Division and Oban Division. The park is known for its rich biodiversity, including various species of primates, birds, and other wildlife. It’s a significant conservation area in Nigeria and an important site for research and the protection of endangered species.
Cross River National Park is renowned for its exceptional biodiversity. Here are some key aspects of its biodiversity:

Primates: The park is home to several species of primates, including the critically endangered Cross River gorilla, which is one of the rarest gorilla subspecies in the world. Other primates found here include chimpanzees, drills, and various monkey species.

Birds: Cross River National Park is a haven for birdwatchers. It boasts a diverse avian population with over 300 species recorded. These include the grey parrot, white-throated guinea fowl, and many others.

Mammals: Beyond primates, the park hosts a variety of mammals, such as forest elephants, leopards, buffalo, and duikers.

Reptiles and Amphibians: The park is rich in reptile and amphibian diversity. It's home to various snake species, frogs, toads, and lizards.

Plants: The park features lush rainforests with a wide array of plant species, including many rare and endemic plants.

Insects and Invertebrates: The park's ecosystem supports a vast number of insects and invertebrates, some of which are yet to be fully documented.

Fish: The rivers and streams within the park are inhabited by diverse fish species.

Cross River National Park's biodiversity is of global significance, and efforts are made to conserve and protect its unique ecosystems and the endangered species that inhabit them. Conservation initiatives and research projects are ongoing to safeguard this natural treasure.