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Anny Perry
5 min readMar 27, 2024

In the realm of printing, encountering issues with connectivity and functionality is not uncommon. Among the myriad of potential problems, one frustrating issue that users often face is their Brother printer showing as offline, despite being powered on and seemingly ready to print. When your Brother printer appears offline, it can disrupt your workflow and lead to frustration. However, fear not, as in this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the common reasons behind this issue and provide detailed troubleshooting steps to help you bring your Brother printer back online and resume printing seamlessly.

Understanding the Problem: Why Is My Brother Printer Offline?

Before delving into troubleshooting, it’s essential to grasp the possible reasons why your Brother printer may be showing as offline. Some common culprits include:

Connection Issues: Connectivity problems between your printer and computer or network can cause the printer to appear offline.

Network Configuration Problems: Incorrect network settings or changes in network configuration can lead to offline status.

Printer Status Settings: Misconfigurations in the printer’s status settings can cause it to be set to offline mode.

Printer Driver Issues: Outdated or corrupted printer drivers on your computer can hinder communication with the printer.

Hardware Problems: Offline status can also be caused by hardware problems including paper jams, low ink, or broken parts.

Troubleshooting Steps to Bring Your Brother Printer Online

Now that we’ve identified potential causes, let’s delve into a detailed troubleshooting guide to address each issue methodically.

1. Check Printer Connectivity:

Make sure your computer or network is correctly linked to your Brother printer. Verify the USB or Ethernet cable connections, or troubleshoot wireless connectivity issues if applicable.

Restart both your printer and computer to reset the connection and resolve any temporary glitches.

If using a wireless connection, ensure that your printer is connected to the correct Wi-Fi network and that the signal strength is adequate.

2. Verify Network Configuration:

Access your Brother printer’s settings menu using the control panel or web interface.

Navigate to the network settings and verify that the printer’s IP address, subnet mask, and gateway address are configured correctly.

If necessary, reconfigure the network settings or reset the network configuration to default settings and reconnect the printer to the network.

3. Check Printer Status Settings:

Access the control panel of your Brother printer and navigate to the printer settings menu.

Ensure that the printer is set to online mode and that there are no pending print jobs or error messages displayed on the printer’s screen.

If the printer is set to offline mode, select the option to bring it online.

4. Update Printer Drivers:

Outdated or incompatible printer drivers can cause communication issues between your computer and the printer. Get the most recent drivers for your printer model by going to the Brother website.

Go through the given directions.

5. Resolve Hardware Issues:

Check your Brother printer for any hardware problems such as paper jams, low ink levels, or malfunctioning components.

Clear any paper jams, refill ink cartridges if necessary, and ensure that all hardware components are functioning properly.

6. Restart Printer Spooler Service:

On your computer, open the Control Panel and navigate to Administrative Tools > Services.

Locate the Printer Spooler service, right-click on it, and select Restart from the context menu.

Restart your computer and check if the printer is now online.

7. Reinstall Printer Software:

Uninstall the printer software and drivers from your computer through the Control Panel or Settings menu.

Download the latest printer software and drivers from the Brother website and reinstall them on your computer.

Go through the given directions.


Why does my Brother printer keep going offline?

Brother printers may go offline due to various reasons, including connectivity issues, network configuration problems, printer status settings, outdated drivers, hardware issues, or printer spooler service errors.

How can I bring my Brother printer back online?

To bring your Brother printer back online, try troubleshooting steps such as checking connectivity, verifying network settings, ensuring the printer is set to online mode, updating printer drivers, resolving hardware issues, restarting the printer spooler service, and reinstalling printer software.

How do I check the connectivity of my Brother printer?

To check the connectivity of your Brother printer, verify the USB or Ethernet cable connections if applicable. For wireless connectivity, ensure that the printer is connected to the correct Wi-Fi network and that the signal strength is adequate.

What should I do if my Brother printer is set to offline mode?

If your Brother printer is set to offline mode, access the printer settings menu and select the option to bring it online. Ensure that there are no pending print jobs or error messages displayed on the printer’s screen.

How do I update the drivers for my Brother printer?

To update the drivers for your Brother printer, visit the Brother website and download the latest drivers for your printer model. Follow the instructions provided to install the updated drivers on your computer.

What should I do if my Brother printer has a paper jam or low ink levels?

Clear any paper jams in your Brother printer and refill ink cartridges if necessary. Ensure that all hardware components are functioning properly to prevent offline status due to hardware issues.

How do I restart the printer spooler service on my computer?

On your computer, open the Control Panel and navigate to Administrative Tools > Services. Locate the Printer Spooler service, right-click on it, and select Restart from the context menu. Restart your computer afterward and check if the printer is online.

Do I need to reinstall the printer software if my Brother printer is offline?

Reinstalling the printer software may help resolve offline issues, especially if outdated or corrupted drivers are the culprit. Uninstall the printer software and drivers from your computer, download the latest software from the Brother website, and reinstall them following the provided instructions.

Can I prevent my Brother printer from going offline in the future?

Yes, you can take proactive steps to prevent offline issues with your Brother printer. This includes maintaining connectivity, keeping network settings up to date, ensuring the printer status is set to online mode, regularly updating drivers, maintaining hardware components, and troubleshooting issues promptly.

What should I do if none of the troubleshooting steps work?

If you’ve tried all troubleshooting steps and your Brother printer remains offline, consider contacting Brother’s customer support for further assistance. Their knowledgeable support team can provide additional guidance and help resolve any persistent issues you may encounter.

Conclusion: Bringing Your Brother Printer Back Online

Encountering offline status with your Brother printer can be frustrating, but with the right troubleshooting approach, most issues can be resolved effectively. By systematically addressing connectivity issues, network configurations, printer status settings, driver updates, hardware problems, and printer spooler service restarts, you can bring your Brother printer back online and resume printing seamlessly.

If you’ve exhausted all troubleshooting steps and the problem persists, consider reaching out to Brother’s customer support for further assistance. Their knowledgeable support team can provide additional guidance and help resolve any persistent issues you may encounter. To ensure seamless printing for years to come, keep your printer well-maintained, update drivers frequently, and troubleshoot proactively to prevent future offline status.

