Anomura’s DeepSea Challenger: An in-house NFT Quest Tool

5 min readMay 6, 2022


Anomura’s DeepSea Challenger will be open source, community-driven — but most of all, fun to use.

Organic Growth Tactics in NFT Communities

Rapid and organic growth through apps like Premint have been accepted within many NFT crypto communities. It has now become the defacto standard in growth hacking your Twitter and Discord numbers.

For those that haven’t heard of Premint, this app draws a lot in comparison to gaming mission boards. Users complete specific actions to win bonus prizes. As NFT natives, our team of Coconut Crabs have been using Premint to get on NFT mint lists. Premint is unobtrusive, you follow Twitter, join Discord, and boom! you are on the rafflelist.

But for us, Premint is too simplistic.

Challenges of Premint

The main challenges of Premint are threefold:

Premint was initially very cheap but slowly moved to a 1 ETH permanent cost. As one of the main tools that catered for rapid growth in the space they’ve been quite successful. Thus 1 ETH cost to have access to the tool is a big hurdle for most new projects.

Once activated, Premint can no longer be transferred to another person.

Premint is limited in their functionality to go beyond the main Twitter and Discord options. There are many unexplored social media platforms. How do we start integrating more dApps and web3 functions? Or better yet, how do we start customizing more to measure analytics data? These are the questions that should be answered in order to progress the space.

Other Inspirations

We also took inspiration from some other projects utilizing mission board mechanics such as:

They specifically reward users with tokens that they can later roll, like a gacha mechanic. This was so successful that their numbers grew exponentially (10K+) overnight after the launch of their mission board.

Copium Wars
This project utilized a closed Discord and created a quest leaderboard. Users had to get into their Discord to earn even more points to improve their odds, and even get free mints.

For Anomura, we wanted to develop a tool similar to Premint while drawing inspiration from gaming mission boards. We also wanted to create a tool for projects that have a Discord community and encourage members to engage by rewarding them for their actions.

Introducing The Cove’s DeepSea Challenger

We’d like to introduce our Cove’s DeepSea Challenger (named for the deepest part of the Earth). Anomurans can complete quests in our community Discord and then get rewarded with off-chain prizes. The more members participate in quests, the more they’ll get rewarded — which then encourages even more participation!

The Cove’s DeepSea Challenger — Welcome screen
Complete quests and earn $SHELL
A glimpse into the pixel art development for the Challenger

Key Features

Fun Quests

Fun is at the core of everything we do so here’s a teaser of what you can expect to see later in the DeepSea Challenger: a #SEEFood App integration.

We were inspired by one of our favourite scenes from the HBO show Silicon Valley. Erlich and Jian-Yang develop an app called SeeFood and coin it the Shazam for Food. But unfortunately for them, the algorithm can only identify if the food pictured is a hotdog…or not a hotdog.

This app may not be useful in the real world but it makes for a fun quest so we’re planning on doing this…with actual seafood 😆.

The delicious kind.

Community members will be able to vote on whether or not the uploaded photo is #SEEFood and winners will gain rewards and prizes.

This and other quests will be fun, engaging, and drive organic community participation. A nice change of pace from grinding on Discord servers.

We want this adventure to be collaborative and we’ll be taking ideas and feedback on improving our challenge board directly from our Anomura community.

Rewarding Organic Growth with $SHELL

The DeepSea Challenger will serve as both a way to incentivise organic growth in our community, as well as a way to capture the spirit of web3 and gaming.

As a reward, players who successfully complete quests through the DeepSea Challenger will earn $SHELL as rewards.

$SHELL can be redeemed for mintlist spots, 1-on-1s with the Anomura team and other exciting incentives. More on that later 🤫

Eliminating Administration Issues

We know that managing communities and keeping track of users involved in NFT projects is not an easy feat.

Administration and tracking tools have always been lacking in the web3 space. These tools should facilitate easy integration across a variety of applications.

How do you scale for your moderation and administration teams? And how do we leverage these tools in a compliant way?

These are just some of the challenges the Anomura team have attempted to address through the DeepSea Challenger.

Pushing Web3 Innovations Forward

We want to share our tool for any project and idea in the web3 space.

Our team believes that we should always be pushing innovation forward, which is why we’re making it open source. We’re lowering the bar to entry for anyone to use it for their own project!

In the future we would like all of the features to be in web3 — until then, we plan to create an open source platform for other ideas, and fun quest propositions.

Wen Launch Date?

The DeepSea Challenger is now live! Visit the board to complete quests, earn $SHELL and redeem for a mintlist spot and more fun rewards (we’ll share how to do that closer to our mint day).

Got comments or feedback for the DeepSea Challenger? DM us on Twitter or Discord, we’d love to chat.


Anomura is a play-and-earn strategy RPG featuring innovative blockchain mechanics, beautiful pixel art and contributions to wildlife initiatives.

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Anomura is a play-and-earn strategy RPG featuring innovative blockchain mechanics, beautiful pixel art and contributions to wildlife initiatives.