How Anomura is paving the way for Sustainable and Inclusive Web3 Gaming

4 min readJul 5, 2022


We’re exploring new paradigms and pushing boundaries in unique ways.

From the beginning, our team of C.R.A.B.S at Anomura have been working behind-the-scenes to ensure that Anomura provides a unique immersive experience for players. We’ve also been mindful of creating an end-to-end sustainable game.

Here’s how we’re doing it:

1. Carbon offsetting our mint and beyond

We know that NFTs and blockchain technology have a bad reputation for being environmentally unfriendly.

We want to change the narrative by offsetting the environmental impact of our mint experience.

We’re joining forces with Aerial and offsetting our mint and beyond!

This is why we’re announcing our partnership with Aerial — a sustainability platform that enables us to track and offset our carbon emissions.

We’re utilizing the Aerial platform to calculate and wipe out the carbon footprint of all of our Ethereum transactions and leverage Aerial’s certified carbon credits to become carbon neutral with SeaTrees’ top blue carbon REDD+ project.

REDD+ stands for countries’ efforts to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, and foster conservation, sustainable management of forests, and enhancement of forest carbon stocks. Contributing to the REDD+ Project benefits the Cardamom Mountains Rainforest Ecoregion in Cambodia and is known as one of the most important locations for biodiversity conservation on the planet.

But we’re not stopping there — we want to do even more for our oceans and to protect Mother Earth.

We’re planning to go beyond carbon neutrality and become the World’s First Ocean Positive Web3 Game (🎉!) by helping to restore kelp (brown algae seaweed) in Southern California and by planting mangrove forests in Indonesia.

Mangroves sequester 160% more carbon when located in a river estuary at the base of a healthy terrestrial forest. This project increases the effectiveness of mangrove forests as blue carbon storage ecosystems.

2. In-Game Experiences: Play-to-Donate

We believe that one of the most powerful ways for web3 games to make a difference is through our play-to-donate feature.

How it works:

  1. Battle epic aenemy boss
  2. Defeat aforementioned boss
  3. Collect rewards
  4. Choose to allocate a portion of rewards towards donating to wildlife conservation organizations
  5. Feel good because you’ve helped make a tangible difference
  6. Play some more!
  7. Repeat ♻️

It’s really, really that simple.

3. Providing a positive learning environment for our community members

It’s no surprise that our team are all lovers of all creatures big and small. Members of our community have the chance to learn about the ocean and marine wildlife through our !murafacts bot.

Learn fascinating facts about crabs and other marine life such as:

Join our Discord to learn more !murafacts.

AND more!

We’re also taking education one step further by demystifying blockchain concepts through in-game mechanics. So when you play Anomura, new players unfamiliar with web3 can learn about blockchain concepts simply by playing our game!

4. Incentivizing social good grassroots initiatives

Anomura is an exploration of the psychology of gamers. We want to incentivize social good by making it fun. Outside of the game, Anomura is encouraging its community to engage in acts to help their local communities.

On Earth Day, we held an “A-no-mo-garbage Day”, incentivising members of our community to pick up trash and protect the habitats of their local surroundings.

Anomurans hard at work cleaning up their local communities for our A-no-mo-Garbage Clean Up event 💪🏼

We were blown away by the participation of our community and will be coming up with more grassroots incentives in the future.

5. Creating an inclusive web3 experience for all

We’re all firm believers in the power of a decentralised web3. We want Anomura to be accessible to players regardless of their income, gender, creed, and location. No matter where you are, or who you are, Anomura is a welcoming community for all.

Our diversity and differences are what make our community amazing.

Game Creator and our King Crab Whaledrop (aka Long Do) has brought together a team from different walks of life to bring insight and nuance to Anomura. From the nomenclature and including names and traits from different parts of the world, to highlighting amazing women-led projects in the space, Anomura is centring sustainability and inclusivity as the path forward.


  • We’re on a mission to create an end-to-end sustainable web3 game!
  • We’re pushing the standard of sustainability in web3 gaming by offsetting our mint and through our play-to-donate feature
  • We’re educating our community members in-game and out
  • You’re helping Mother Earth by having fun
  • Oh, and all are welcome in the Cove 💙


Anomura is a play-and-earn strategy RPG featuring innovative blockchain mechanics, beautiful pixel art and contributions to wildlife initiatives.

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Anomura is a play-and-earn strategy RPG featuring innovative blockchain mechanics, beautiful pixel art and contributions to wildlife initiatives.