Unlocking the Mystery Bowl Alpha

4 min readOct 3, 2022


As told by Long Do (@Whale_drop, founder of Anomura). Twitter thread published on October 2, 2022.

Today marks Block 15661297 on the Ethereum network.

It’s also October 2nd, which is my birthday.

It’s been almost 144,000 blocks since we launched our Mystery Bowl NFT collection— an on-chain loyalty and factory NFT 🔥.

It’s also the day 87 people have held the Mystery Bowl NFT for 20+ days since mint. This number is identifiable because of a secret code I embedded into the contract.

And the planned day that the Mystery Bowl contract begins rewarding Starfish at the MAX speed.

For those that don’t know, the Anomura Mystery Bowl was created to be an on-chain loyalty reward system.

Creating Loyalty

There are approximately 12.5 blocks per second, and approximately 6,000 blocks per day on the blockchain. However, following the Merge, the speed of blocks will steadily increase to about 13 blocks per second.

Anomura’s Mystery Bowl contract was written and deployed exactly at 11AM on September 13th, the day before the Merge. Approximately 3500 blocks on PoW were to happen before the end of the day, we picked the number 6,000 as a round base to calculate based on our base 60 time and did a calculation: 24 * 6000 blocks before my birthday on October 2nd (reference).

We actually will hit it on October 3rd but pretty close!

We successfully minted Anomura in what feels like the worst possible conditions, amongst peak FUD surrounding the implications of the Merge. We wanted to be a part of history by creating a smart contract on the last day of proof of work, that utilizes proof of stake and proof of work in its block time considerations.

It is also important because Anomura also offsets completely the energy consumption through our partner Aerial.

See CoinMarketCap article: Anomura Aims to Become the World’s First Ocean Positive Play and Earn Game

The Anomura Mystery Bowl Contract uses a complex code from a lesser known but very intelligent contract from Dom, a very respected web3 leader and former Vine founder. This contract allows for a number to grow based on blocks at a predetermined speed. We also baked in code that resets the speed every time you have traded the NFT, meaning people who have held a long time get rewarded by a higher number. This number we have used is called STARFISH.

Why did we do this?

As blockchain technology developers, there are so many avenues that people haven’t explored. We believe in creating, discovering, and leveraging each other’s contracts and taking them to new and unexplored heights.

We believe in gamification to explore the depths of smart contract design and our Mystery Bowls serve as a purpose to show the world new and creative applications.

Much like our partner Atari, developers have baked easter eggs into games because they weren’t allowed to receive credit for their work at the time. As a way around this, they secretly put it in the code. Starting from Adventure (1979), where a game developer put a secret in a grey dot, games have evolved way more thanks to this initial concept. We want to carry on the tradition of having little touches that motivates our gamers and fans to have fun and discover secrets.

Also here’s a secret hint: we have actual official Adventure IP assets baked into Anomura 👀

Is it too late to join?

No it is not!

It’s not my intention to shill or encourage others “buy now” but rather some fun facts I wanted to share.

STARFISH is our on-chain loyalty reward system that we will continue to use to reward members of our community, and anyone can catch up by holding the bowl for 144,000 blocks.

We are in a time where users want to see profits very fast, it isn’t easy to hold an NFT for 21 days since it was minted or bought. We are used to a lot of buyers in the NFT space who are restless and will sell when it’s profitable.

Our goal is the opposite: We want to identify and reward those who spent the time to look into our mission, and realize this is a long term project.

Users who have held it thus far will be entered in a special tier of rewards on their own, we’ll extend it to those who nearly hit the mark as well.

Think of this as our way of identifying those that have believed in our mission from the start.


Anomura is a play-and-earn strategy RPG featuring innovative blockchain mechanics, beautiful pixel art and contributions to wildlife initiatives.

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Anomura is a play-and-earn strategy RPG featuring innovative blockchain mechanics, beautiful pixel art and contributions to wildlife initiatives.