Gold Digital allows its users to trade as many times as they want the amount they want without revealing identities to specify their privacy, thanks to ethereum ERC20 support there is no need to worry about volatile rates since their transfers are free and anywhere in the world.

2 min readJan 22, 2023


Security and stability are guaranteed by this stablecoin, and if you want to use an independent wallet, you can use: MyEtherWallet, MetaMask, Guarda, Trezor and Ledger Nano S. You can also view the cryptocurrency on CoinMarketcap and check its high liquidity. Gold Digital is the best alternative for any investor, especially in the face of this fundamental pandemic that has hit the world, with Gold Digital you have a backup when everything points downward.

the issue of cryptocurrencies, one day Satoshi Nakamoto determined in the global economy and controlled many failures in it, the world economy has many vacations, little sustainability and realized that one day it would stop being used as the main means For the acquisition of goods and services, therefore, an algorithm based on blockchain was created, in which each block changes its hash for another instantly than a compilation compiled by the mathematical code of that block, repeatedly. This system makes it possible to have a highly secure digital currency, since hacking a private key would take a person as long as humanity was created until today, even with quantum computers. Something that is not tangible cannot properly be called currency. The name of this highly secure digital currency is called Cryptocurrency. The mother of all is Bitcoin, and it opened a gap to altcoins, where we obtained a diversity of cryptographic algorithms with different characteristics and opportunities.

In general, cryptocurrencies provide us with security and privacy. In addition to other features that are detailed later.

So, breaking down this idea, you know the benefits that the mineral market and the cryptocurrency market bring, but what about their disadvantages?

As is well known, gold, despite being a stable asset and an excellent noble metal in demand, is highly sought after by thieves, it is vulnerable if it is not kept in a safe, in addition to being insecure and conspicuous, it can bring you trouble if you want. send it from one country to another.

In the particular case of cryptocurrencies, these people can be extremely volatile, so many people tend to lose their money when they invest in them when they are already very overbought, with cryptocurrencies people can earn a lot of money, but they can also lose it and This does not allow its benefits to be fully exploited, a backup is needed.

