30 Vocab Words You Should Be Using

Sarah Tables
2 min readMay 14, 2020

364 days of the year, I tell my all-too insistent computer to “Remind Me Later” that it’s time to update my software. But in 2019, on the 365th day that I finally submitted to the “update” troll, I lost my beloved Dashboard — the screen that was to the left of all your Desktops that had the gadgets. The calculator, thesaurus, weather, and my beloved Stickies. Obviously when I updated, I didn’t know would remove the Dashboard. If I did I’d probably still be on 2015 software.

I am not a nostalgic person, but damn do I miss this Dashboard

It was so devastating because I kept a list of vocabulary words on those Sticky notes. I’d swiftly four-finger-swipe to the left and hastily write new words as I discovered them in my reading, the feature quick and agile enough not to interrupt my reading ~flow~. But when I updated my computer last year and Apple removed the Dashboard, I lost my vocabulary list. I was pissed (I also kept all my passwords and usernames on those stickies, so I was doubly pissed).

However, two nights ago I updated my computer to the latest software. Though the Dashboard wasn’t there, I clicked on the Stickies app and, lo and behold, all my old Stickies were back! I had to delete a ton of Stickies with those usernames and passwords, because they were no good; obviously there wasn’t a single I remembered when Dashboard was deleted, because if you’re the kind of person who keeps your banking password on your…



Sarah Tables

Born on the cusp of Millennial and Gen-Z. A voice for the ambitious young navel-gazers.