The Success Triangle in Business

5 min readOct 31, 2023


You want to start a business. Of course, who wouldn’t want that? Yes, everyone wants a million or even billion dollar company, but it is not that easy.

You might think at first that it is very easy. Step 1, have a product, step 2, create a website, step 3, sit back and wait while piles of money are going into your bank account. But no. There is a lot more skill required in order for you to actually start making money. I am talking hundreds of different points.

That’s why the Succes Triangle was created. The Succes triangle consists out of the 3 things you need to master in order for you to be successfull. I present to you, the Succes Triangle.

1: Knowledge

What do you know? I am asking you specifically. You want to start an E-commerce company, yet you don’t know what E-commerce means. You want to be a trader, yet you don’t know what causes stocks to move.

You need to have a full understanding of your niche before you step into it. Please, do not be like me. When I first started trading, I had no clue what I was doing. Everyone on YouTube told me: “Oh, watch the financial news, then you can predict where the stock will head!” Then I would look in the news and see all of these articles and be like: “What the f**k!”

What if I told you that there even isn’t a lot of knowledge required. What if I told you that for the most niches, you can gain this knowledge within 3 months. You need to think: “I want to start an E-commerce company. So I need knowledge about this. What is E-commerce? What is required if I want a succesfull E-commerce brand?” But also things like: “Why would a customer go to my website, and not to someone elses website?”, “How does marketing work?”

What I am trying to say is: take time to research a your niche. Do not just step in and just try something out. No matter what, that will always end up unsuccessfull.

So now we got our fundementals, let’s move on to the next key point of the Success Triangle.

2: Skill

I am gonna ask you a question, and then I am going to answer that question for you. So my question is: how do million dollar company owners act in public?

Well, they certainly do not act silly. They are rather impressive. Why? The years they have put in to develop certain skills resulted into them getting so much respect from their surroundings. They be like: “wow, look, that dude is such a smart marketeer!” or “Look, that guy is so good at negotiating with other people!”

But what even is skill? Well, I like to refer skill as converting knowledge into action. You remember, knowledge? For example, your knowledge is that people are attracted to bright colors. You will convert that knowledge into your website having bright colors, your advertisments consisting of bright colors, and all that stuff.

This doesn’t necessarly have to be externally. This could also be internally, in the form of communication. You need to let your employees know that the work they need to deliver is quite urgent. Your knowledge is that employees react the best when you bring it to them nicely. So you take them out for coffee, and after that you ask them nicely to work harder on that project.

Skills allow you to manage a company as best as you can, without a lot of trouble. Wether it be being a computer geek, or a flawless presenter, every tiny bit of skill helps when it comes to seting up a company.

3: Attitude (psychology)

I do not doubt that this is the single most important point. Do not get me wrong, it is crucial for you to also master the other points, but this one especially. It will be decisive on the journey to becoming a millionaire.

See it like this. You set up a YouTube channel, hoping to profit from affiliate links. After the first video you get 1 view. After the second video you get 2 views. Making progress, right? But after the third video, you get 0 views. The same result with the fourth one.

A lot of people would have given up by now. That is a sign that their psychology is wrong. They are not willing to carry on, to get that result they want by keep on making video’s.

This is the mistake the majority of people make when starting a business. After one setback, they just quit. Don’t. You will get their eventually, but just don’t quit.

Stay positive!

Look at me. I am a trader. I wish I had this guide when I started. Because when I started, I struggled to achieve results. I kept on losing money with it, and sometimes I felt like I had to quit. I had the wrong attitude to business. Yet I kept going on. I kept losing, and losing. Until I finally achieved my goals.

Believe me, I know how frustrating it can be to see all your work being for nothing. But believe me, everyone who follows their dreams will get that. But now that has happend, your job now will be to learn from that, and improve your quality.

Just keep polishing, keep polishing yourself. It pays of. This is for everything in life. For example, you want a muscular body. But after a week in the gym, you feel like quiting. Your muscles are sore. Yet you keep going. Keep pushing through your pain. And after a year, there you are, walking on the beach, and everyone looking to you like your some kind of god.

Trust me.

Trust the process…(David Laid)


You made it to the end. Well done. This proves that you are willing to improve yourself and you are willing to learn from your mistakes. Good job!

Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Elon musk, the 3 most successfull people on earth, have 1 thing in common: they mastered all 3 of those points. All of them knew a lot about the market the would be selling in, how to communicate with people and how to build a product. But even they had set backs. That is where point 3 comes in to play. The kept going.

But my brother, you are on the right way.




I love writing, writing is what I love. Want to connect? Please!