An Open Letter to Ted Yoho, From a Former Congressional Intern

2 min readJul 24, 2020


Rep. Ted Yoho, as one of your former Congressional interns, I’m incredibly disappointed and appalled not only by your misogynistic behavior towards Rep. AOC and women at large, but your dismissive behavior as a whole.

I used to look up to you, for your role as a former Chairman on the House Subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific. As someone who intends to pursue a similar career path, I should have known better when you asked me whether or not I considered having a family instead. When you voted against making lynching a federal crime. When you don’t believe the Civil Rights Act is constitutional. When I had to personally ask you what your thoughts on the separation of children and families were because you were silent for days while hundreds of constituents — mothers, nurses, professors, teachers, students — demanded answers. And when your reply to me was to stop buying into everything the media said, you dismissed me, too. The unwanted pats on the back didn’t help either.

Congressman Yoho, you may not have directly uttered “f — b — ” to AOC, but you accosted her by telling her she was “disgusting, crazy, out of her mind, dangerous.” You denied and tried softening what reporters have corroborated. You tried to justify your actions by using poverty as a back up. That is inexcusable.

You’re right about one thing though, Congressman Yoho — women are dangerous. We will not stand by as you, and other members of Congress, continue propagating this behavior. The reason for this post is to encourage others — former congressional interns, staff, anyone who might be looking for a voice, who might be afraid — to speak out about these kinds of experiences. It’s time to hold our elected officials accountable for this behavior.

Rep. AOC, thank you for using your voice to embolden and empower individuals to #SpeakOut.


