The EndoTech and Pareto Partnership: Artificial Intelligence has officially replaced Tone Vays

8 min readApr 13, 2018

Sometimes you think you found a truly valuable project and think that it can’t get any better, but then it does. Like I explained in my previous posts, cryptocurrency has become crowded to the point most investors cannot see the trees for the forest anymore. And like I also mentioned, Pareto Network provides a comforting hug to all crypto investors left in suffering these past few months. However, it gets better. Pareto’s goal is to give its community exclusive access to valuable actionable information; that means that the main focus is on content that can be acted upon. This is of course in the sphere of crypto so rest assured most information is about how to get around and make the best profits in crypto.

As Pareto promised, organizations would be part of the content creators on the platform. Well, what kind of organizations you might ask. Let me tell you, these are the true Einsteins of finance, namely organizations who as their sole business is to program systems to do the due diligence and technical analyses for us humble humans. Up until now it was mainly possible to sell such information in the regulated markets, but through Pareto Network such high profile financial analysts have a way of selling their information to the crypto sphere and thus it is finally becoming interesting for them to move over to blockchain.

Yes, I am talking about the valuable partnership between Pareto Network and EndoTech Ltd that will bring only good things to the Pareto community. Let me explain.

Endotech: AI is starting to prove its usefulness

By forming a strategic partnership with EndoTech, Pareto Network became the exclusive distributor of world-class investment knowledge. EndoTech started their company in 2017 and has been developing AI technology to help with actionable content. They already have a large database of know-how and practical knowledge to benefit the Pareto community, giving the users access to fifteen years of experience in operating trading strategies for Forex, commodities, and derivative financial instruments. EndoTech has already delivered upon the expectations that had been set before the product was launched. They were able to offer innovative and high-quality portfolio allocations that helped even the most seasoned crypto investors to finally have a sense of security with their investments. This is invaluable information from a company who specializes in defining the meaning of due diligence, not some self-proclaimed crypto guru on YouTube. This is something that all crypto investors dream of, someone with true expertise to help them find the valuable signals in this sea of noise. So what are the services of EndoTech and why are they so important for the crypto investor?

Portfolio allocations

The human mind can only account for so many variables at a time when trying to make the best decision. In crypto this means that all the variables, like the performance of a project, the risk versus reward ratio, the short and long-term value, the market cap, the circulating and total supply, and of course, the current price, need to be taken into account when deciding on the most balanced portfolio allocations. We try, believe me we do, but at the end of the day we get ruled by emotion and keep changing our portfolio. We have promised ourselves so many times to not be ruled by emotion, by fear, uncertainty, and doubt or by the fear of missing out, to make rational long-term decisions, but most of the time we are shuffling around our crypto portfolio, never really content on our allocations.

I remember that one time very well. I had assembled a “dream portfolio” as something to aspire to. The total value of that portfolio was much higher than my current balance back then so this portfolio was something I could only hope to achieve one day. Like a warm ray of sunshine that pleasantly surprises you on a rainy day, one of my biggest investments appreciated around 400% overnight and I came closer and closer to realizing my dream portfolio. This was back during the notorious December of 2017 bull market and unfortunately I have never again woken up to that amount of gains. Following many weeks of tireless research and trying to get the portfolio I wanted, I finally was able to do so. After finishing my ecstatic buying spree and allocating the exact amount of funds to each project as I had determined beforehand, I said to myself “life is good”. Instead of constantly focusing on crypto, lying awake at night to check my Blockfolio, I thought I can now lay back and just have fun in life. I finally acquired the portfolio I thought was going to make me rich in the long-term.

This comforting thought lasted for about an hour, max. I thought of one variable after the other I had not really taken into account and suddenly these seemed more important than they seemed when I started composing my dream portfolio. Doubt started flowing back in and my mind was racing again, asking myself the questions “is this really the best allocation?”, “If I just go all in on project X won’t that give me much more profit?”, “why have I invested in so many projects at once, I cannot really keep overview” etcetera, etcetera. Not long thereafter, I started again shuffling around, again thinking I now really discovered how to allocate my funds in the most responsible manner for long-term profit. After around ten more of these cycles it finally dawned on me; I will never be truly happy with my portfolio because for every ten variables I take into account there are always ten new variables that I did not think of, and which, if lingered long enough in my mind, would ruin my trust in my investments again and again. Like a slippery bar of soap, each time you want to grab it with conviction it just slips out of your hands again, to the point of frustration and just using shower gel instead. This all contributed to my crypto burnout. I just could not get myself to be satisfied with my portfolio allocations and research qualities.

Get ready to be finally relieved of this burdensome duty. I am already a fervent user of the Pareto Network and only yesterday discovered on of the best features to date, namely the “portfolio allocations” option by EndoTech. Endotech as a human force already has around 20 years of experience on how to best balance portfolios in the different financial markets they are active. However, rather than using only their humble human brains, EndoTech has now developed a set of Artificial Intelligence (AI) driven quantitative models in order to allocate portfolios. All these models consist of an underlying algorithmic engine and make use of AI and Machine Learning (ML) technologies. By using these fundamental technologies, the AI helps investors to make informed decisions on the risk management levels of the different crypto projects. In other words, the use of active AI guided re-balancing is used to minimize risk and maximize the returns. By implementing these management tools, EndoTech offers their users a clear and strategic oversight for allocating their crypto assets. The main features this portfolio management offers, are the Alpha and Beta based portfolios. In the figure below you can see how the AI/ML guided portfolio allocations were able to perfectly grow the portfolio of its users and sustain the all-time high even after Bitcoin crashed. This is wonderful news for those of us always wondering whether the top is in sight, when we will dip back again. For once, we have AI to guide us.

Now comes the best part; these portfolio allocations are free from fees, interests or any commissions. The service is free to use for Pareto token holders logged in to the platform and who are interested in a diversified portfolio approach. Making decisions on what to buy and hold has never been easier. I can honestly say I am very grateful for the partnership between Pareto and EndoTech and grateful for this extra layer of knowledge provided by EndoTech for free.

The Blockchain Vitals system

So the next problem that has been attended to by the EndoTech partnership is the continuous and ever plaguing issue of “who is the best TA analyst I should listen to”. I have tried my fair share of TA analysts, and Tone Vays was my favorite until the market went bananas and he started to have each and every prediction wrong. Logical in hindsight since Tone Vays motto is “I don’t trade Bitcoin”. Well, why the hell are you giving advice on trading Bitcoin then. Never mind. After a while, my friends and I came to the genius conclusion that if he was wrong so many times the only logical thing to do was “sell when Tone is bullish and buy when Tone is bearish”. Stupidly enough, it worked for a couple times until it did not. Crypto is like those viruses that adapt to the natural immune response of the human body, each time you think you have found a solution, a better theory to predict future market movements, it is like the entire game changes again. Many of us have had that Truman show feeling and there have even been some ingenious memes based of this commonly shared sentiment amongst crypto traders (hint: Bogdanoff he bought the dip).

Again, EndoTech comes to the rescue. Namely the “Blockchain Vitals” system. The Blockchain Vitals system is an automated technical analysis on a daily basis for all the major crypto currencies, including, but not limited to TC, ETH, LTC, NEO, XRP, BCH, ADA, XLM, EOS, and XMR. This daily snapshot is called the “Vitals Sheets” and combines three trading methodologies;

1) A pivot system

2) Value range numbers

3) A momentum system.

Combined these three trading methodologies are the backbone of the system which offers traders with clear oversight and an in-depth risk evaluation.

The veteran Chicago brothers Robert and John Heffernan have spent 25 years on perfecting this system for trading non-crypto assets including financial and agricultural commodities at the CME and CBOT. However, we all know by now that cryptocurrencies are extremely volatile so in order to make sure the system is not caught off guard by this volatility, the Heffernan brothers have now adapted the system and adjusted several parameters for crypto currencies.

Thank you Heffernan brothers!

The future is bright for the Pareto community

The stream of valuable content from EndoTech is not over yet. No, these geniuses are here to stay. The Blockchain Vitals and Portfolio Allocations are only the beginning of a series of content that will be available to Pareto holders in the coming times. Over the coming weeks and months, EndoTech will introduce more products to the platform. In order to make use of the services, token holders will be ranked and accordingly have access to the invaluable trading information as provided by EndoTech. EndoTech is paid fairly for the service and can thus grow their company, and the community receives top-notch financial advice, a win-win situation.




Just an enthusiastic cryptoinvestor who loves doing research