Things to add to your tea to make it more healthy

Shubham Gupta
2 min readAug 26, 2019


Tea is one of the most common drinks which we love to take to start our day. We have also seen many tea lovers who can spend their day without having tea. Tea also has many health benefits as it is loaded with antioxidants and nutrients. It can help to improve your hearth health, boost your immunity system and promote weight loss. So, here are some simple hacks that can increase the health benefits of your tea.

Adding Salt

If you would add a pinch of salt in your regular cup of tea that can help to wash out the infection-causing bacteria which will prevent you from cold, cough, pain and other issues of the throat.

Adding Lemon

Green tea has lots of health benefits but is you squeeze a lemon in it that will give you more health benefits. Catechins are the main health compound in tea which helps to reduce the risk of cancer, heart disease, and other diseases. Lemon Juice helps the body to absorb 13 times more Catechins than normal.

Adding Basil Leaves

Basil Leaves is another option to increase the health benefits of your tea as it has antioxidants and anti-inflammatory qualities to fight with many diseases. It also gives a fresh flavor to your regular tea. It also helps to treat the symptoms of the common cold and reducing stress.

Adding Fennel Seeds

Fennel seeds also a great option to add in your regular tea as it is effective to aid the digestive system. It also helps to reduce gas, bloating and stomach cramps. It is also beneficial to boost metabolism, improve eyesight, speed digestion, and detoxify the body.

