Exploring Real-Time Communication in Web Development: Short Polling vs. Long Polling

Anoop Nayak
3 min readNov 17, 2023


Hey there, web creator! So, you want your site to talk in real-time, huh? Cool! Let’s chat about two buddies: Short Polling and Long Polling.

Short Polling:

What is Short Polling? Short polling is similar to a quick chat between a web browser and a server. Imagine you’re texting a friend, asking, “Anything new?” at regular intervals.

When to Use Short Polling? Short polling is ideal for scenarios where real-time updates aren’t critical. Think of a weather app refreshing every few minutes; short polling suits these cases well.


  • Simplicity: Implementing short polling is straightforward, making it accessible for various applications.
  • Compatibility: It works seamlessly with a wide range of server environments and doesn’t require special configurations.


  • Excessive Requests: Frequent, periodic requests can lead to unnecessary server load and increased network traffic.
  • Latency: Updates are only received during the polling intervals, introducing a delay in information retrieval.

Example: Consider a stock market ticker using short polling to update prices every 30 seconds. While it provides regular updates, there’s a slight lag between the actual market changes and when users receive the information.

Long Polling:

What is Long Polling? Long polling is like having a sustained conversation where the server holds the line until it has something to share, avoiding constant check-ins.

When to Use Long Polling? Long polling shines when real-time updates matter, and you want to minimize unnecessary requests. Imagine a messaging app where you don’t want to miss a message but also don’t want to keep asking, “Any new messages?”


  • Reduced Requests: The connection stays open until there’s new information, minimizing unnecessary communication.
  • Near Real-Time Updates: Long polling provides quicker updates compared to short polling, creating a more responsive user experience.


  • Resource Intensive: Maintaining long-lived connections can strain server resources, especially in environments not optimized for them.
  • Connection Loss Latency: If the connection is lost, there might be a delay when re-establishing it.

Example: Imagine a live chat application utilizing long polling. Users receive messages as soon as they’re sent, creating a fluid and instantaneous conversation flow.

Choosing the Right Chat Style: Short or Long?

Think about how often your site likes to chat and if your server is a social butterfly or more of a shy type.

WebSockets: The Tech Rockstars

In the tech world, WebSockets are like rockstars. They’re super efficient and keep the connection strong both ways.


In the orchestra of real-time communication, WebSockets often steal the spotlight for their efficiency in maintaining persistent, bidirectional connections. In conclusion, whether you opt for short polling or long polling depends on your web application’s unique needs. Understanding the nuances of these communication techniques empowers you to create a user experience that harmonizes with the rhythm of real-time updates. Choose wisely, and let your web pages dance to the beat of seamless, dynamic communication.



Anoop Nayak

Staff Engineer at Obloliving || Building applications for Scale || ReactJs | NodeJs | ExpressJs | NextJs | Microservices | Microfrontend