Optimizing AWS EKS Costs with Karpenter

Anoop Prasad
3 min readMay 15, 2024


In today’s ever-evolving world of cloud computing, managing infrastructure effectively while optimizing costs is paramount. AWS (Amazon Web Services) offers a robust Kubernetes service known as Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS), providing a secure and scalable platform for deploying containerized applications. However, cost optimization within EKS can be daunting due to the dynamic nature of container workloads. Karpenter — a revolutionary tool designed by AWS to streamline resource management and reduce costs in AWS EKS environments. In this guide, we’ll explore the concept of Karpenter and how it can efficiently optimize costs within your AWS EKS clusters.

Karpenter, an open-source project developed by AWS, automates the provisioning and scaling of Kubernetes clusters on AWS EKS. It leverages AWS Spot Instances — spare EC2 capacity available at discounted prices — to power Kubernetes worker nodes. By intelligently utilizing Spot Instances, Karpenter significantly slashes infrastructure costs while maintaining high availability and reliability.

Key Features and Benefits

  • Spot Instance Utilization: Karpenter optimizes costs by deploying Kubernetes worker nodes on AWS Spot Instances, available at discounted rates compared to On-Demand Instances. This facilitates significant cost savings without compromising performance or reliability.
  • Auto Scaling: Karpenter dynamically scales the number of Kubernetes worker nodes based on workload demand, ensuring optimal capacity utilization and minimizing resource wastage.
  • Intelligent Scheduling: Karpenter intelligently schedules Kubernetes pods and tasks across Spot Instances, optimizing resource allocation and maximizing cost efficiency.
  • Seamless Integration: Karpenter seamlessly integrates with AWS EKS, simplifying the deployment and management of Kubernetes clusters with minimal overhead.

Best Practices for Cost Optimization with Karpenter

  • Use Mixed Instance Types: Harness Karpenter’s support for mixed instance types to diversify your Spot Instance fleet and mitigate capacity fluctuations, thus maximizing cost savings while maintaining workload stability.
  • Set Resource Limits: Define resource limits and requests for your Kubernetes pods to prevent resource over-provisioning and ensure efficient resource utilization. Karpenter can dynamically adjust the number of worker nodes based on these requirements, optimizing costs without compromising performance.
  • Monitor and Adjust: Continuously monitor your AWS EKS clusters and analyze resource usage patterns to identify opportunities for further cost optimization. Adjust Karpenter configurations as needed to align with changing workload demands and pricing dynamics.

Deployment Steps for Karpenter on AWS EKS


  • You need an existing AWS account with permissions to create and manage EKS clusters.
  • Install and configure the AWS CLI (Command Line Interface) on your local machine.
  • Install and configure kubectl (Kubernetes command-line tool) to interact with your EKS cluster.

Create an EKS Cluster:

  • Use the AWS Management Console, AWS CLI, or an infrastructure-as-code tool like Terraform to create an EKS cluster.
  • Ensure that the cluster has the necessary configuration, including networking, security groups, and IAM roles.

Authenticate with the EKS Cluster:

  • After creating the EKS cluster, configure kubectl to authenticate with the cluster.
  • You can do this by running the aws eks update-kubeconfig command and providing the cluster name and region.

Deploy Karpenter:

  • Clone the Karpenter GitHub repository or download the release artifacts.
  • Navigate to the directory containing the Karpenter deployment manifests.

Customize Karpenter Configuration:

  • Review the Karpenter deployment YAML files to customize the configuration as needed.
  • Modify parameters such as instance types, instance counts, and AWS region according to your requirements.

Apply Karpenter Manifests:

  • Use kubectl to apply the Karpenter deployment manifests to your EKS cluster.
  • Run the command kubectl apply -f karpenter-manifest.yaml for each manifest file.

Verify Karpenter Deployment:

  • Use kubectl to verify that Karpenter components are running correctly in your EKS cluster.
  • Run commands like kubectl get pods -n karpenter to check the status of Karpenter pods.

Optional: Configure Scaling Policies:

  • If desired, configure scaling policies and constraints for Karpenter to adjust the size of your EKS cluster dynamically.
  • Define rules based on metrics like CPU utilization, memory usage, or custom metrics.

Monitor and Troubleshoot:

  • Monitor Karpenter’s behavior and adjust configurations as needed to optimize resource utilization and scaling behavior.
  • Troubleshoot any issues by examining logs and events using kubectl.

Update and Maintenance:

  • Regularly update Karpenter to the latest version to benefit from bug fixes, performance improvements, and new features.
  • Follow best practices for maintaining and managing your EKS cluster, including security updates and backups.

As a bottom line, with Karpenter, you can achieve significant cost savings within your AWS EKS environment while ensuring optimal performance and reliability. By leveraging its intelligent scaling capabilities and seamless integration with AWS EKS, you can unlock the full potential of your cloud infrastructure while keeping costs under control. Embrace Karpenter and embark on a journey towards cost-efficient Kubernetes workloads in AWS EKS.

