Is Larceny the most common crime in Boston!?

Anoop SP
3 min readApr 21, 2020



Life is a journey where we travel always. Why do we travel? To meet families ,to meet friends , for work, for leisure. There are many reasons to travel! While travelling into new cities, the first thing that strikes to our mind is safety. How safe is the city I am visiting in ? Is it safe for me to go alone? Should I tag along with any ? Which is the common crime that occurs?The part of traveling always include we spending time in researching the details of the city which we visit. We will search for neighbourhoods which are safe to hangout, time to back home or hotel after stepping out.

Crimes come in all forms and sizes!! Like I said, crime can be anything. According to Uniform Crime Reporting(UCR) , the crimes in U.S are grouped into 3 parts based on crimes.

Here we will analyse the dataset provided by the Boston City Police to understand the crimes that occur in Boston City.

Boston City Police Reports
All Incidents reported in Boston City.

The dataset provided the police gives us an insight of types of crime reporting that occur. The most common includes motor accident response which has highest reports.

Unified Crime Reporting has tagged most of the crimes under Part One, which we will explore further.

We will think when do these crimes occur? what is the best place to stay in the city which has less crimes? We will explore further more.

Districts where crime rate is more.

This map provides us with neighbourhood which has most crimes reported. We notice neighbourhood such as South End, Roxbury ,Downtown and Dorchester have most reported crimes.

We seen the places where crime occurs, we will see the time when crime occurs.

Monthly Crimes reported under UCR Part1
Daily Crimes reported under UCR Part1
Hourly Crimes reported under UCR Part1

By looking at above comparisons, we notice Crimes are lower in the early morning 4am to 5 am and higher in the evenings from 4pm to 6pm. Crimes occur more on friday’ s and less on Sundays. (Is partying on weekend a better idea? Is staying home more safe? )

Crimes reported under Part 1

We notice that crimes such as Larceny and Larceny from Motor Vehicle is the most common crimes that occur in the Boston City.


Analysing the data from Boston city police with exploratory data analysis, we notice Larceny is the most common type of crime which occurs in Boston!.

Crimes generally occurs in evenings around 4pm to 6pm . The crimes are reported more on Friday's. (So next time when you plan to visit or party in Boston, be extra careful in evenings and on weekends!).

A detailed analysis is available at github @

Thanks for reading.

