The Evolution of Mario: From 8-bit Jumpman to 3D Hero

A Comprehensive Look at the Iconic Video Game Character’s Journey

A Norman House
4 min readMay 7, 2023

Mario is one of the most recognizable video game characters in history, and for good reason. From his humble beginnings as an unnamed 8-bit character in the arcade classic Donkey Kong, Mario has evolved into a cultural icon and video game legend. Over the years, the character has undergone many changes and transformations, both in terms of his design and his role in the games he appears in. In this post, we’ll take a comprehensive look at the evolution of Mario, from his early days as Jumpman to his current status as a 3D hero.

Jumpman: The Early Years

Mario’s journey began in 1981, when he was first introduced as the protagonist of the arcade game Donkey Kong. At the time, the character was known simply as Jumpman, and he looked very different from the Mario we know today. Jumpman had a much simpler design, with a red cap and overalls, but no mustache or facial features to speak of. He was also much smaller than his later iterations, standing only 16 pixels tall.

It wasn’t until 1983’s Mario Bros. that the character we now know as Mario was introduced. In this game, Mario and his brother Luigi battled a variety of enemies in the sewers of New York City. Mario’s design was updated to include a mustache and facial features, and his overalls were changed to blue to help distinguish him from Luigi. The game was a huge success, and helped establish Mario as a beloved video game character.

The 8-Bit Era: Super Mario Bros. and Beyond

Mario’s true rise to fame began with the release of Super Mario Bros. in 1985. This groundbreaking game featured colorful graphics, catchy music, and a sprawling world for players to explore. Mario was now a fully fleshed-out character, with a backstory and a mission to rescue Princess Toadstool from the evil Bowser.

Super Mario Bros. was followed by a number of sequels and spin-offs, including Super Mario Bros. 2, Super Mario Bros. 3, and Super Mario World. These games added new power-ups, enemies, and game mechanics, and helped establish Mario as a video game icon.

The 16-Bit Era: Mario Goes 3D

In the early 1990s, Nintendo introduced the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES), which was followed by the Sega Genesis. These 16-bit consoles allowed for more advanced graphics and gameplay, and paved the way for the next phase of Mario’s evolution.

In 1996, Nintendo released Super Mario 64 for the Nintendo 64 console. This game was a major departure from the side-scrolling platformers of the past, and instead featured a fully 3D world for players to explore. Mario was now able to run, jump, and swim in all three dimensions, and the game’s open-ended structure allowed for a level of freedom that had never been seen before in a Mario game.

The 21st Century: Mario Goes Global

In the years since Super Mario 64, Mario has continued to evolve and adapt to the changing landscape of video games. He has appeared in countless sequels and spin-offs, as well as a variety of different genres, including racing games, sports games, and role-playing games.

Perhaps the biggest change to Mario’s evolution in the 21st century has been his global appeal. While Mario was already a beloved character in Japan and North America, he has since become a worldwide phenomenon, with fans in every corner of the World.

Moving on to the 2000s, Mario continued to evolve with new games and technology. In 2002, Super Mario Sunshine was released for the GameCube, which introduced a new setting and gameplay mechanics. The game takes place in a tropical island setting and features a new tool called FLUDD that Mario uses to navigate the environment and battle enemies.

In 2006, New Super Mario Bros. was released for the Nintendo DS, which brought back the side-scrolling gameplay of the original Mario games but with updated graphics and new power-ups. This game was a huge success, selling over 30 million copies worldwide, and led to the development of many more 2D Mario games in the years to come.

One of the most notable Mario games of the 2010s was Super Mario Galaxy, released for the Wii in 2007. This game introduced a new gameplay mechanic where Mario travels through space and visits different planets with their own unique gravity and physics. It was praised for its innovative gameplay and won numerous awards, including several Game of the Year awards.

Since then, Mario has continued to evolve and remain a beloved character in the gaming world. He has appeared in numerous games across multiple platforms, including mobile devices, and has even crossed over into other franchises such as the Super Smash Bros. series.

Mario has come a long way since his humble beginnings as Jumpman in Donkey Kong. From his classic side-scrolling adventures to his groundbreaking 3D games, Mario has remained a beloved character and a symbol of the video game industry’s growth and evolution over the past four decades.



A Norman House

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