You shouldn’t be waiting, live instead!

2 min readFeb 26, 2024


Photo by Matt Seymour on Unsplash

I’ve heard countless times that single people are in a “waiting season,” anticipating their future spouse. But who decided this waiting season exists? This concept conditions many single individuals to believe they are in a season in life that simply precedes their partner’s arrival.

While this narrative aims to instill hope and readiness for a future relationship, it is worth questioning.

Life is happening! Jesus I believe went against this very notion that marriage is the next agenda in line for a person who has exited teenage years and walking into the fullness of life. You shouldn’t be waiting, you should be living.

How I wish I can write that in the skies. You are not in a waiting season, you are living! As life goes on, events happen which include the entrance of a spouse and the beginning of family life. They are events that happen as life goes on, not something you wait for.

I think the bible made it clear that the only waiting we should all wait is for the second coming of the LORD.

That is really the whole concept of our lives on earth, a long waiting of our souls to be united with it’s Creator at the end of this short life and this is for every living human being irrespective of your marital status.

Do not leave yourself in this waiting season that is being propagated, live the life that God has given you and live it optimally.

Your partner should meet you living not waiting. They are not the savior of your soul, they are human beings like you who should also be living their lives while God brings you across their path.

If you are in the waiting season, you can do yourself one better and kick yourself out of the line. Get living, be accountable to God for the life you now live, start giving expression to everything you know to do, stop postponing your life to begin whenever. You can start living now. Let your spouse find you living not waiting.

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