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I am Dash, and I am currently pursuing a Postgraduate Diploma in Advanced Studies and Research after a bachelors in English Literature. My academic interests mainly revolve around class, caste, video games, pedagogy, and dialectics.

I am on Medium, finally, for various reasons. However, the main reason is to start writing more frequently about anything I want to write about. That is not to say that I do not want to write about my academic research interests. But I want to try writing more frequently, more freely, and not think about the same article for a month or two. I am here to get back to experimenting!

You will still find a lot of articles from my academic journey, but here are some other things you can expect:

- articles and reviews of video games

- intersection of literature with various other art forms

- short stories

- personal progress/experience blogs

- on academia, writing, and reading

- articles on theoretical book chapters

I am currently confused about my thesis topic, and am working in various research roles.

Connect with Dash


Living and breathing at the murderous crossroads of culture, class, caste, video games, critical theory, chai and cats.