Next.js / GitHub Pages

Autre Planete
2 min readNov 12, 2017


Create your project pages with Next.js and React hosted by Github.

Next gh-pages example:

Follow Next.js static-html-export guide to start.

This is a way to run your Next.js app as a standalone static app without any Node.js server.

Example :

Setup your Next.js app as a standalone GitHub Pages.

Add your “out” folder to your master branch.

Remove it from your .gitignore.

> git add out > git commit -m "Initial out subtree commit gh-pages"

It is now possible to completely bypass Jekyll processing on GitHub Pages by creating a file named .nojekyll in the root of your pages repo and pushing it to GitHub.

> touch out/.nojekyll> git add out/.nojekyll> git commit -m "add nojekyll file to bypass Jekyll on GitHub Pages"

Push your project to Github.

> git push

Push your “out” folder as the root of your gh-pages branch

git subtree push --prefix out origin gh-pages

Add a “deploy” script to your package.json

"scripts": {
"dev": "next",

"deploy": "next build && next export && git add out/ && git commit -m \"Deploy gh-pages\" && git subtree push --prefix out origin gh-pages"

5 step script

  1. next build
  2. next export
  3. git add out
  4. git commit -m \”Deploy gh-pages\”
  5. git subtree push — prefix out origin gh-pages”

Create env-config.js

const prod = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production'module.exports = {
'process.env.BACKEND_URL': prod ? '/Next-gh-page-example' : ''

Install babel-plugin-transform-define

npm install --save-dev babel-plugin-transform-define

Add .babelrc

"presets": [
"plugins": [
["transform-define", "./env-config.js"]

Link (important)

Create your link with as.

<Link href='/about' as={ process.env.BACKEND_URL + '/about'}><a>About</a></Link>

Use it

npm run deploy

Browse your project:

Replace username by your github user name and replace project_name by your github project name (in the url).

Set routes in next.config

Add assetPrefix in your next.config.js

const debug = process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production";module.exports = {
exportPathMap: function () {
return {
"/": { page: "/" },
"/ap-grid-layout": { page: "/ap-grid-layout" },
assetPrefix: !debug ? '' : '',

You can also use now

Deploy your app to the cloud with now (download) is more simple.


My Github:



Autre Planete

Thierry Charbonnel personal Account (Autre planete Web Design Studio - NYC and Paris)