Digital Public Infrastructure — An Overview

Arun Nair
2 min readOct 24, 2023


Digital public infrastructure (DPI) refers to the underlying technology and systems that support and enable the delivery of essential public services and functions through digital means. It plays a critical role in modernizing government operations, improving service delivery, and fostering innovation in the public sector. Here are some key aspects of digital public infrastructure:

A whole-of-society approach to digital transformation, as outlined by the UNDP. Image: UNDP
  1. Connectivity: Digital public infrastructure often begins with reliable and widespread internet access, as well as robust telecommunications networks. This is crucial for ensuring that citizens and businesses can access government services online.
  2. Data and Information Systems: Governments need to collect, store, and manage vast amounts of data and information. Digital infrastructure includes databases, data centers, and information management systems to facilitate data-driven decision-making.
  3. Cybersecurity: Protecting digital public infrastructure from cyber threats is essential. Robust cybersecurity measures, including firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and encryption, are necessary to safeguard sensitive data and services.
  4. Cloud Services: Many governments are migrating to cloud-based services to improve scalability, cost-effectiveness, and accessibility. Cloud infrastructure is an important component of digital public infrastructure.
  5. Identity Management: Ensuring secure and user-friendly identity verification is vital for online government services. Digital public infrastructure includes identity management systems that enable citizens to prove their identity online.
  6. Open Data: Governments often provide access to public data and information. Digital infrastructure can support open data initiatives by making datasets available online in user-friendly formats.
  7. E-Government Services: The development and maintenance of online government services are central to digital public infrastructure. This includes websites, mobile apps, and other digital platforms for interacting with government agencies.
  8. Interoperability: Different government systems need to work together seamlessly. Interoperability standards and protocols are critical to ensure that data and services can be easily shared and integrated.
  9. Payment Processing: Many government services involve financial transactions. Digital infrastructure includes secure payment processing systems for taxes, fees, and other payments.
  10. Smart Infrastructure: Some digital public infrastructure includes smart city initiatives, such as IoT sensors for traffic management, waste collection, and energy efficiency.
  11. Accessibility: Ensuring that digital public infrastructure is accessible to all citizens, including those with disabilities, is a critical consideration.

Conclusion: Digital public infrastructure is a foundation for creating a more efficient, accessible, and responsive government. It can enhance public service delivery, increase transparency, and promote innovation in the public sector. As technology continues to evolve, governments must invest in and adapt their digital infrastructure to meet the changing needs of their citizens.



Arun Nair

Life is a long lesson in humility. The fact that we are all nothing more than a moment in time, let’s collaborate share our experiences and collective wisdom.