John Cage- SOUNDS

YU anqi
3 min readSep 11, 2017


Figure 1 : the 4'33'’ for the John Cage

This work is his most famous work in 1952 composition <4'33'’> that is a concert and also the there are no notes in four movements in the whole song. John Cage have five composer ideas, first is the sound in any environment includes the noise, second is use the ‘opportunity’ to selection sequence, third is abandon from structures altogether, fourth use silence, fifth is wide range of electric and visual means are widely used. In <4'33'’>rather the sounds of environment heard by audience during performance. About the Cage’s ideas behind its silence 1) silence does not exit, One simply should listen and open one’s ears. 2) silence is a means to separate tones and chords, in order to avoid melodic interpretations to the relationships between and among sounds.

Figure2 : this is draft in for the voice, photo by Candice

I recorded in the library, the white space means is the background I think when we are no voice in the library that will be very quite so the white space is the background when people and anythings are silence. Inside circle is means when we are very carefully listen the voice may be can hear someone are close the door voice and the triangle means someone step from the far to near by me and also go away to me.

Figure 3 : 4'33'’ silence by John Cage
Figure 4: my final drawing for the silence

In this drawing have three circle they are all have different means like the big circle is the background voice included the noises and there are a curve line because in my voice background always had a voice that is the air conditioning so the curve means the air-conditioning and the triangle means someone’s closed the door sound and the in 15'’ had a voice like applaud and then, near the 30'’ someone steps voice from the far to near by me and also go away, so the big circle means that person are close to me the small means the step voice are from the far. finally, in this work i know the voice not only can draw to show the voice and also the voice can build a architect. Actually, in this work the big background ( the big circle ) means when people are silence the background voice is the air-conditioning.

this is my voice recording


