Islamic Art

Islam in design perspective

Arif Nugraha Ruswidyo
4 min readJan 16, 2015

Islam, in its greatest time, had produced and accomplished many things from ideas, literature, architecture, public health and also art. According to (Curatola, 2011), the artistic heritage of Islam is defined by two factors: a). the vast dimension of the area involve; and b). continuation of the phenomenon during fourteen centuries of history. For example, the development of architectural types of a Muslim city consists of several buildings:
- Mosque (centre of religious & non-religious matter)
- Madrasa (a koranic teaching institution)
- Public bath (hammam)
- Markets (bazar / sub)
- and caravanserais

“The mosque represents the centre of Muslim life and, at the beginning was the centre of all life. Islam is centered on Unity, and Unity is not expressible in terms of any image.”

If you noticed, the unique part of an Islamic art, is most of the arts are avoiding the visualization of animate objects. Furthermore, (Curatola, 2011) stated that “figural sculpture was condemned by Islam. It was too reminiscent of the ideas of Christianity, Buddhism, and other religions which Islam sought to replace”. That’s why when you entering a mosque, you will find lots of modular decorations or verses from Koran transformed into delicate ornaments & decorations, which known as calligraphy.

As a monotheistic religion, Islam is very rigid on the portrayal of animate objects. “On the day of the resurrection the most terrible of punishments will be inflicted on those who have imitated the creatures created by god.” (Curatola, 2011). According to Tafsir Al-Usyr Al-Akhir dari Al Qur’an Al Karim Juz (28, 29, 30) disertai Hukum-Hukum Penting Bagi Seorang Muslim, picturing objects into drawings is included in the table of prohibited acts based on the authentic hadith of Muhammad SAW. Drawings is listed 10th out of 66 list of prohibited acts:

Hadith about Picturing Animate Objects

The above picture says that:

“In all conscience, painters would be the one who imposed the most severe punishment on the day of the resurrection”

“Angels would not enter a house which has dogs and pictures of animate objects inside it”

The development of Islamic design also influenced by local culture, several of the examples are (Curatola, 2011):
- Spain & North Africa : Late antique, visigoth, arab, syrian-palestinian barber
- Syrian & Egypt : Christian influences
- Turkey : Armenian / Georgian
- Other peripheral areas : China and Turfan

The building’s material was also vary depending the type of area, and most architecture had adapted and adjusted with local material found in the region.

After all, if you have enough money on your pocket to fly all over the world, please do not waste your money on some rubbish things, such as Versace bags, Armani suits or other expensive details. Have a time to savor your time by visiting these museums of Islamic Art:
- Berlin — Museum für Islamische Kunst
- London — British Museum, Victoria and Albert Museum
- Paris — Musée du Louvre, Institut du Monde Arabe, Musée des arts Decoratifts
- Madrid — Museo Arquelôgico Nacional
- Granada — Museo Nacional De Arte, Hispano-Musulmein
- Milano — Museo Poldi Pezzoli
- Istanbul — Topkapi Palace Museum
- Doha — Museum of Islamic Art

Best place to visit? It depends on the size of your wallet, actually. But, I think it’s very exciting to see Córdoba, Granada, and Turkey.

Herewith is the pictures of Islamic arts. All of the pictures are courtesy of (Curatola, 2011):

The Great Mosque, Córdoba, Espańa
Arch & Dome of The Great Mosque, Córdoba, Espańa
Gardens of the generalife, Alhambra, Granada, Espańa
Court of Lions, Alhambra, Granada, Espańa
Muqarnas dome & Palace of the Lions and Hall of The Kings, Alhambra, Granada, Espańa
Qaytbay Complex, Cairo, Egypt
Friday Mosque, Yazd, Iran
Shaykh Lutfallah Mosque, Isfahan, Iran
Royal Mosque of Shah Abbas I, Isfahan, Iran
Selimiye Mosque, Edirne, Turkey
Fort and palace, Amber, India
Seal/signature of Suleiman the Magnificent


Curatola, G. (2011). Islamic Art. Italy: SCALA Group, S.pA.

Tafsir Al-Usyr Al-Akhir dari Al Qur’an Al Karim Juz (28, 29, 30) disertai Hukum-Hukum Penting Bagi Seorang Muslim



Arif Nugraha Ruswidyo

If anyone travels on a road in search of a knowledge, Allah will cause him to travel on one of the roads of Paradise — Prophet Muhammad