Understanding The Need & Benefits Of Studying Law For Business Students

Ansal University
4 min readFeb 16, 2018


When it comes to gaining information about the various aspects of business practice, most aspiring candidates opt for a business management program offered by renowned institutes. These programs are specifically designed to offer a broad view of the business world and help the trainees to understand the various intricacies of running a business in a successful manner.

However, business is not just about ensuring maximum profitability by undertaking the sale and purchase of diverse products. Having a basic understanding of the various laws that are applicable to a business is one of the finer aspects of learning effective business management.

Thankfully, aspiring management trainees do not need to enrol with the renowned law colleges in Delhi NCR for gaining basic education in business law. This is because most management educational programs a course in business law to help the trainees to understand the legal aspects of operating a business and protect it in times of need.

The Need For Business Laws

No business can operate without becoming intertwined with the local laws and legal regulations. This is because businesses are quite similar to individuals and need to be governed by some legal restrictions to ensure that they operate with some measure of predictability. In the absence of these laws, it will become extremely difficult to control the various activities that are undertaken in the name of the business. The laws also help to provide certainty and stability to the customers of the business, besides providing a means to resolve disputes and protect the public against any wrongdoings for ensuring better profits or assured sustenance in a highly competitive market.

Importance Of Studying Law For Management Trainees

It is not uncommon for business management trainees to ignore the importance of learning about business law during the course of their training. As a result they enter the corporate world without having a thorough understanding of the various laws and the role of legal professionals in establishing and running a venture. However, being aware of the various laws that govern their venture can help these new entrepreneurs to understand legal needs of their organizations. Moreover, the knowledge of the law also makes the entrepreneurs comprehend its positive as well as negative impact on the business. This can in turn help the entrepreneurs to make better decisions to avoid any legal issues, while also ensuring a consistent growth and profitability for the business.

How Business Students Benefit from Studying Law

Contrary to the popular belief, studying law can prove beneficial to business students, irrespective of the career path they choose to pursue. Whether they intend to join their family business or take up a managerial post in a major organization or even set up their own venture the knowledge of business law can prepare them for a successful and rewarding career. Discussed below are some ways in which studying law can prove advantageous for the business students at top business schools in India.

1. Handling Contracts And Legal Agreements: Contracts and legal agreements are an integral to smooth business operation. Management trainees possessing in-depth knowledge about the business laws are able to better understand the terms and conditions of these contracts and access whether or not these can prove advantageous for the business. They can even suggest their legal team to make the appropriate changes to eliminate any terms that might seem conflicting with their business interests.

2. Be Aware About The Business Rights: Having gained proper education about the law, makes the business owners, managers and other professionals aware about the rights of the venture. This makes it possible for them to protect and defend their business against any unlawful actions taken by other businesses or individuals. This information can also be use to keep the organization protected from harassment by its own employees. The knowledge of the law ensures that the management trainees have a clear understanding of the options available to them for handling such situations.

3. Make Everyday Judgement Calls: Entrepreneurs and management professionals need to tackle a wide range of legal issues as a part of day to day business operation. Possessing appropriate legal knowledge enables the professionals to not only fully understand these legal issues, but also their consequences and implications for the business. This in turn proves critical in helping the professionals to make the most beneficial decisions for the business. It also enables them to decide about the need to seek expert legal help for preventing any major financial loss or other ramifications for the venture.

A Word Of Advice

It is an evident fact that the way business are run and operated across the globe is undergoing a rapid change. In this scenario, the key for ensuring a successful career is for the management professionals at all levels to have the ability of adapting, learning and solving problems, especially the legal ones. In this context, having comprehensive knowledge about the business laws can prove to be a major help irrespective of presence of an expert legal team within the organization.



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