I Never Thought I Would Be a Writer

You start out writing crap, thinking it’s good and gradually, you get better at it

Anshul Kummar
Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs


Photo by Ryan Snaadt on Unsplash

It was 1998 when I moved to the USA from India with a dream to make it BIG and look for career opportunities.

Moving to a new country with a different culture and varied environment was challenging.

I came here with a considerable debt, but incredible support from my brother-in-law, Anil Lal, and Meera Lal (my sister-in-law) made life feel like a breeze. Their immense love and support were the stepping stones to my next phase of life.

Cut to three years later—I had a decent job, we were fairly well settled in our new apartment, and we started making some amazing friends.

Then, I bumped into a guy named Sourin Rao at my job who was into blogging, and we started writing together on Blogspot.

This was 2005, and I wrote about sports, life lessons, and personal stories.

Although I was writing in India during my school and college days, this phase was like setting a foundation. I was nervous but thought of taking a plunge.

This was the phase I started loving about myself, and it gave me immense joy penning down my thoughts and feelings.

