Is Medium Dead? The Truth No One Wants You to Know

Tony Stubblebine & Medium might not like this blog.

Anshul Kummar


Photo by Carrie Borden on Unsplash

“Medium is dead.” Long live the blog!

Imagine yourself as a writer who found an environment where your ideas and reflections are welcomed and praised.

That Platform was Medium once.

Now, though, the once-vibrant group looks to be on life support, and we are all gathered around, waiting for the inevitable beep marking the end.

The sign is still there, but the soul is gone as a chain turns your beloved restaurant over.

Tony Stubblebine lately stated that Medium boasts 1,000,000 paid members. Set the confetti cue!

I regret to let you know that Medium is as dead as a doornail despite this glittering figure.

Let us examine why that is and expose the truth nobody wants to face.

The Exodus of Prominent Writers

Recently, Nick Wignall has a tremendous 331,000 following Quitted Medium.

After the world of blogging, Nick’s choice to depart was a seismic event, but after three days, his farewell post only got roughly 876 claps from 84 People.



Anshul Kummar

Writer I YouTuber I Productivity Enthusiast I AI & Entrepreneur. Connect with Me: