What to Reply for Sup: How To Deal With This Awkward Situation

Anshul sharma
6 min readSep 12, 2021


A guide with templates to learn What to Reply for Sup

is a natural part of everyday speech and has different meanings depending on who it is spoken to. You will often see “what’s up?” “what’s up” is used as a greeting or salutation that says “hey, how’s it going?”

Sup’ is relative, nonetheless, it passes on a more prominent measure of an energetic sensation of straightforwardness and immediacy. ‘Sup’ and ‘hey’ is the most common uses of the word, but sometimes you can mix things up a little.

It’s easier to say “yeah, that’s great.” when the response is, “sup”. But that’s too simple because it doesn’t reveal what you want to say.

Try something like this: “I’m super excited for what your dog’s been up to.” Then your listener will know what to say back because you’ve given them permission to let their curiosity know: “What’s wrong with your dog?” The awkwardness of the moment is gone.

What to Reply for Sup: How To Deal With This Awkward Situation

How to deal with this awkward situation

They might be asking you how you are doing right now. However, the phrase “to put it nicely”, which literally means to “be nice”, is a joke and the real scenario that you can be put in is if they are already talking to someone else and they ask you how you are doing.

In the scenario described in the video, you can put your hand in the air, look at your watch, then pretend that you are about to leave. But before you leave, they would stop you and continue what they were doing.

They would still continue talking, but they would sound different, and the tone of the conversation would change. Maybe they would ask if you want to be put on a call or a meeting or make a call for you. They would ask you to be put on a call, and in the best-case scenario, they would still ask you how you are doing.

What to say when someone asks “Sup?”

I truly like this, it functions admirably “Sup? I liked your Instagram post.” works pretty well. what’s this kid doing here so early ? are you a writer? “Sup? Hey, have you seen Steve Wozniak? what about the Square ?? like u at all?” “Sup?” “Sup.

What are you doing on a Sunday morning like this?” “sup” “Sup. I have a friend named Carson and he likes your Tumblr. Can I have his contact info please?” “so hi. what’s the best thing about you?” I see what you’re doing here.

you are trying to avoid a direct statement by deflecting it by asking a question. here’s what I do: I answer the question. this avoids your attempt at evasion and communicates that you were actually curious about me. what do you like about yourself? “I like that I’m funny. I like that I’m smart. I like that I’m funny.

What not to say when someone says “sup?”

Don’t ask how they’re doing. It’s rude to pick up where someone else left off in conversation. Stop there, just say “sup.” Don’t ask “how have you been?”.

The individual you’re conversing with might not have uplifting news. They may have lost their job, or their spouse is sick, or they’re having a hard time financially. Don’t interrupt a conversation that’s off-course. If you want to join the conversation, just start a new topic.

You can always bring up what you want to talk about later if you’re really interested. The person you’re talking to may have nothing going on at the moment. If you feel uncomfortable sharing what you have going on in your life, don’t. You can ask a question that gets the conversation back on track and then launch into your personal story.

How to reply when someone says “Sup?”

(note: this progression was initially only two characters, however I required space in the field for something shockingly better, so I added two or three additional lines, as well) “Nah, you know I love you. My other ex is super hot. And she’s always right about everything.” “Yeah.

Didn’t know about that. But I love you, too, OPI.” I’ve been the sorriest b*tch on the planet for about 24 hours, you’re the only person on the entire planet who can make this better.

you’re a nice human being, and me talking about myself incessantly isn’t gonna do that when the first line you’re expecting comes out of your mouth, it’s usually in reference to yourself. “sup” is essential “what’s up?” which is basically “what’s new?”, the most common replies are:2. Sometimes you can’t help but say “sup”.

How to not be awkward when someone says “sup”

How to not be awkward when someone says “sup” My favorite ways to respond when someone says “sup” The passive-aggressive “sup” Reply Thread Link i hated that Reply Parent Thread Link your friend was probably trying to tell you that they got your coffee at the java palace or they made you a cup of hot chocolate Reply Parent Thread Expand Link It’s so basic and common.

It’s like saying hi and if you’re a loud talker you just won’t stop talking. Reply Parent Thread Link The responder doesn’t know Reply Parent Thread Link it’s really really odd Reply Parent Thread Link i had one friend that always used to say “sup?” to EVERYONE and i was like really? i hope that wasn’t what you meant…

When someone says hey!

And they already know you but say hey anyways. Even though it’s like you already know them but they are pretending to be coy. And you should think it’s hot but not, like you know it’s a lie. When someone says what’s up, you know something is up. And they are trying to say it’s not anything, but then they just fess up and say it.

Now you’re totally on the same page about what they were talking about. It’s probably about you or something your doing, but they don’t know it. But you already figured that out, right? They know something however, they don’t have the foggiest idea what.

They must have heard from someone else they wanted to talk to you, but they don’t want to pry so they keep you guessing. But what if they say what’s up? What’s your response? What do you say?

What should you reply when someone asks how you are?

And, why don’t you just respond by saying, “Pretty great.”? Good for you. To some, the grammatical quandary of “sup” can be confusing.

The right response is to say, “Hi, how are you?” I have heard so many, “sup” asking others how they’re doing.

There’s no real wrong way to respond to the interjection, aside from saying it without punctuation or a comma in it, or perhaps with a default semi-formal or relaxed tone of voice

Here is the way where you can react to a “sup? by utilizing the accompanying advances.

How to respond to a question about what’s new?

To start, get a calendar or email reminder set up to check up on this person. This may be the only thing you need to check up on to stay in touch.

How To Respond To a Question About What’s New? No More No matter how old or how many years you’ve known someone if they ask you “What’s new?”, it’s time to take a deep breath.

Let’s get into some basic ways you can respond to this question without coming across like you’re bragging. If you have a non-zero number of shared friends on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or a social network, how long has your acquaintance/friend/acquaintance been on there? “LOL. You guys are still friends?! What do you do when they ask you this question?

I’m the type of person who always asks someone how they are. I always try to remain polite and wait for the appropriate response, I just want to be polite. now if a friend of mine calls me to just chat and we do not say much it is fine but if a friend is busy or asks for help I would like to make conversation as possible. Also if I do not reply at all I still want to give a quick reply so I do not look rude.

I guess I will have to play a little by ear in these situations Basically when people say “sup” to you, you can respond with “good to see you” or “alright”. If you want to engage in a conversation with that person then you can ask them how they are doing or ask a question. Now, if a friend is busy you can always respond “no prob” or even “OK” (i.e. whatever they are saying).

Originally published at https://www.sstechesa.in.



Anshul sharma

Hey guys I am passionate blogger.I share my knowledge through this medium.