Anshul Upadhyay
3 min readMar 29, 2018

Jobs hardwork and skills.

Everybody in this world knows the founder of apple , which is used world wide.

iPhone was the first touch screen mobile with internet.

Steve Jobs introduced the first iPhone on 29 June 2007 . But before this achievement he has faced a lot of problems . But these problems never stopped Steve Jobs .

Steve Jobs always wanted to change the world . Which he did before 5 October 2011

Steve wozniak was very creative and had interest in creating some of the new technology.

The co founder of the apple had helped Steve Jobs in his company.

When Steve Wozniak was of 20 when he invented a computer which was smaller than all the computer at that time .( At that time all the computers were big.) Steve wozniak created a computer and Steve Jobs gave it a great name as apple computer.

This computer was very small in comparison with the big computer but it couldn’t be called as personal computer as he didn’t have monitor so the people had to connect it through TV.

Steve Wozniak also invented a toll free telephone but it couldn’t be used as it was said to be illegal by the government.

Steve Jobs suggested Steve Wozniak to start a company . By selling all the products.wozniak had fear of getting Lose by the company. But Steve Jobs was always determined.

Start of the apple company.

Jobs and Wozniak started the company and there first product was apple 1. This had a lot of profit . Then they invented apple 2 which also had a lot of product. Then they created apple Lisa and then Mac. But after the Mac th company had to think of the company because it had lose in the last product. This resulted to the loss of the company and Steve Jobs resigned and started a new company Next. This company got partnership with pixel and invented their first product as the black box which created a lot of profit. Apple was still down. Steve Wozniak and other members of the apple called Steve Jobs again . Steve Jobs again joined the company and this time he invented iPod and it had a lot of profit. iPod was the first music library which can be kept in pocket. Most of the people were happy.

The phone era.

And on 29 June 2007 the first phone with internet and touch screen facility was the iPhone . It has all the features and people were eager to buy it.

Bad news

A bad news which hurted the whole world . Steve Jobs announced that he had pancreas cancer . After this disease Steve Jobs always worked hard thinking that this was his last day on earth. This resulted to a lot of creative and attractive works in such a short period of time.

He introduced iPhone 1 till iPhone 5 and on 5 October he died due to pancreas cancer. But before this he had changed the world .

Apple has been invented a lot of products after that. But Steve Jobs had a lot of different ideas .