How to Train Your Pet Giraffe: A Surreal Guide to Exotic Animal Care

6 min readApr 21, 2023


Source: Bing AI

Do you have a pet giraffe that is causing you trouble?

Are you tired of its long neck getting in the way of everything?

Do you wish you could teach it some tricks and make it behave better? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this article is for you. In this article, we will show you how to train your pet giraffe in 5 easy steps that will make your life easier and your giraffe happier.

Step 1: Establish Dominance

The first step to train your pet giraffe is to establish dominance over it.

Giraffes are social animals that live in herds, and they need a leader to follow.

You need to show your giraffe that you are the boss and that it has to obey you. To do this, you can use a few techniques, such as:

- Stare into its eyes and make loud noises until it looks away.
- Grab its neck and shake it gently but firmly.
- Feed it only when it does something good or follows a command.
- Reward it with treats and praise when it behaves well.

By doing these things, you will make your giraffe respect you and listen to you more.

Step 2: Teach It Basic Commands

The next step to train your pet giraffe is to teach it some basic commands that will help you communicate with it and control it better. Some of the commands you can teach your giraffe are:

  • Sit: To teach your giraffe to sit, you can use a clicker or a whistle and a treat. First, make the sound with the clicker or the whistle and then give your giraffe a treat. Repeat this several times until your giraffe associates the sound with the treat. Then, say “sit” and make the sound. Your giraffe will sit down to get the treat. Reward it with another treat and praise. Repeat this until your giraffe learns to sit on command.
  • Stay: To teach your giraffe to stay, you can use the same method as above, but instead of giving it a treat right away, wait for a few seconds before rewarding it. Gradually increase the time between the sound and the treat until your giraffe can stay still for a long time.
  • Come: To teach your giraffe to come, you can use a leash and a treat. First, put the leash on your giraffe and walk with it for a while. Then, stop and say “come” and pull the leash gently. Your giraffe will come towards you. Reward it with a treat and praise. Repeat this until your giraffe learns to come on command.

Step 3: Teach It Fun Tricks

The third step to train your pet giraffe is to teach it some fun tricks that will make it more entertaining and enjoyable. Some of the tricks you can teach your giraffe are:

  • High five: To teach your giraffe to high five, you can use a target stick and a treat. First, hold the target stick above your head and say “high five”. Your giraffe will reach for the stick with its hoof. Reward it with a treat and praise. Repeat this until your giraffe learns to high five on command.
  • Spin: To teach your giraffe to spin, you can use a lure and a treat. First, hold the lure in front of your giraffe’s nose and say “spin”. Then, move the lure around your giraffe’s body in a circular motion. Your giraffe will follow the lure and spin around. Reward it with a treat and praise. Repeat this until your giraffe learns to spin on command.
  • Bow: To teach your giraffe to bow, you can use a cue and a treat. First, stand in front of your giraffe and say “bow”. Then, touch its chest with your hand or a stick. Your giraffe will lower its head and bend its front legs. Reward it with a treat and praise. Repeat this until your giraffe learns to bow on command.

Step 4: Socialize It With Other Animals

The fourth step to train your pet giraffe is to socialize it with other animals that are friendly and compatible with it.

Giraffes are naturally curious and playful animals that enjoy interacting with other creatures.

By socializing your giraffe with other animals, you will make it more confident and happy. Some of the animals that you can introduce your giraffe to are:

  • Dogs: Dogs are loyal and energetic animals that can be great companions for your giraffe.

They can play fetch, chase, and tug-of-war with your giraffe and keep it active and stimulated.

However, you need to make sure that your dog is well-trained and friendly, and that your giraffe is not afraid or aggressive towards it. To introduce your dog to your giraffe, you can follow these steps:

— Keep your dog on a leash and your giraffe in a fenced area.
— Let them see and smell each other from a safe distance.
— Reward them with treats and praise when they show calm and positive behavior.
— Gradually bring them closer until they can touch and sniff each other.
— Let them interact freely under your supervision.

  • Cats: Cats are independent and graceful animals that can be fascinating for your giraffe.

They can cuddle, groom, and nap with your giraffe and keep it relaxed and comfortable.

However, you need to make sure that your cat is not scared or hostile, and that your giraffe is not too rough or curious towards it. To introduce your cat to your giraffe, you can follow these steps:

— Keep your cat in a carrier and your giraffe in a fenced area.
— Let them see and hear each other from a safe distance.
— Reward them with treats and praise when they show calm and positive behavior.
— Gradually bring them closer until they can touch and sniff each other through the carrier.
— Let them interact freely under your supervision.

  • Birds: Birds are colorful and vocal animals that can be amusing for your giraffe.

They can sing, fly, and perch on your giraffe’s head and keep it entertained and amused.

However, you need to make sure that your bird is not noisy or annoying, and that your giraffe is not hungry or bored towards it. To introduce your bird to your giraffe, you can follow these steps:

— Keep your bird in a cage and your giraffe in a fenced area.
— Let them see and hear each other from a safe distance.
— Reward them with treats and praise when they show calm and positive behavior.
— Gradually bring them closer until they can touch and peck each other through the cage.
— Let them interact freely under your supervision.

Step 5: Provide It With Proper Care

The fifth and final step to train your pet giraffe is to provide it with proper care that will keep it healthy and happy.

Giraffes are exotic animals that have special needs that you need to meet.

Some of the things you need to do to take care of your pet giraffe are:

  • Feed it a balanced diet of fresh leaves, fruits, vegetables, hay, pellets, and supplements. Giraffes eat up to 75 pounds of food per day, so make sure you have enough supply for your pet.
  • Provide it with plenty of clean water to drink. Giraffes drink up to 10 gallons of water per day, so make sure you have a large trough or bucket for your pet.
  • Give it enough space to roam around and exercise. Giraffes need at least an acre of land to run and stretch their legs, so make sure you have a spacious enclosure or backyard for your pet.
  • Protect it from extreme weather conditions. Giraffes are sensitive to cold and heat, so make sure you have a shelter or shade for your pet.
  • Check it regularly for signs of illness or injury. Giraffes are prone to parasites, infections, hoof problems, neck injuries, etc., so make sure you have a veterinarian who can treat your pet.

By following these steps, you will be able to train your pet giraffe in no time. You will have a loyal, obedient, and fun-loving pet that will bring joy to your life.

And, by following me, you will be able to plunge deeper into insanity. So go ahead!





Starting out as a content writer. Here I'll post an occasional article or poetry.