How to be organized?

2 min readApr 30, 2023


Many people think staying organized is such a chore, that it takes so much effort and end up being messy. I, for that matter, feel totally different. Organizing is like a therapy for me. Whenever I feel anxious, I organize and I feel an instant relief. So, if you want to become an organized person and feel the same feeling of relaxation, I have a few tricks and tips to do so.

The first step to organizing has to be to clear out the mess. Like doing your laundry and putting those clothes back to its place which were piling on that chair in your room! Also, decluttering your house is a major step to be organized. Throwing out unnecessary stuff means you’re half way there!

Now that the house has lesser mess, the next thing you need to do is finding out a spot for every item and make sure you put it back where you took it from. It makes it so easy that you won’t even feel the need to spare another hour of your day to clean up.

Next step is making sure you dust or vacuum regularly. I know it sounds like a huge task but believe me, you will be thankful at the time of the yearly cleaning of your house! I dust every alternate day and fortunately it makes even the weekly cleaning effortless.

Now that the cleaning part is done, its time to organize your days. I am someone who is obsessed with making a To-do list for everyday. It makes my days so easy to get over with as I have decided the tasks I need to do, the night before. It takes so much of my stress away. So you can try that, too. Make a list of the things you need to do on the previous night. You can also define time slots for the tasks. You can prioritize the things that are an absolute necessity and allot time accordingly. You won’t even realize that its helping you in fighting your procrastination!

I understand this might sound a lot and sometimes even I feel lazy and decide to leave everything is it is. But now I’m so used to being organized that I end up doing everything eventually. If you still think that you don’t want to do everything at once, you can start off by taking little steps like making your bed first thing in the morning, assigning just one task for every day or every week and ticking it off of the list. The ticking off will make you feel satisfied and will help you to strive more towards being organized.

I am surely like Monica from friends who needs everything at its particular place. I actually stress out when things aren’t. That is exactly why organizing is a stress-buster for me and my house stays clean. So its always a win-win situation!

So what are you waiting for? Start it by clearing that pile of clothes which are making the chair look disappeared and thank me later!

