I am the original whistleblower of the Finnish-Syrian Toy Smuggler.

Anter Yaşa
4 min readJan 5, 2019


Rami Adham in full combat gear in Syria, in jihadi held areas.

I am a kurd, and a refugee from Turkey. Living in Finland since 1996.

Rami Adham is now convicted of forgery and fraud.

Ive exposed him originally, sending proof and materials to the police and media. My original publication lead to the investigation.

I have also talked about how the whole global media basically fell for his lies and tricks.

Even BBC and originally Al-Jazeera.

Currently I am the co-chair and founder of the Finnish secular immigrants association.

We are trying to talk about secularism and further anti-radicalism.

Would you be interested in an interview? I have more details about the case than anyone. I have proof and photographic materials, in which the Toy Smuggler is praising known al-Qaeda terrorist leaders and calling the Islamic Front — terrorist group as ”the best group in Syria”. I also have pictures of the Toy Smuggler in full combat gear with an Ak-47 in his hands in Syria, in jihadi rebel held areas, where even international humanitarian organizations were not allowed to enter.

Rami Adham with the known jihadi leader Abdullah al-Muhaysni.

Rami Adham entered al-Qaeda held areas approx. 30 times, allegedly ”helping children”. We all know that is a lie now. Half of the almost half a million euros he collected illegally, have disappeared into a Turkish private bank account, next to the border to Syria. It is known of militants crossing into Syria.

The “Toy Smuggler” calling the Islamic Front jihadis “the best group in Syria”.

The Finnish media completely ignored these facts.

I’m banned from the Finnish public service broadcasting #YLE and other mainstream outlets since 2016. I’ve exposed the ”Toy Smuggler of Aleppo” and demanded the Social Democrats party to condemn their actions, whom were already nominating the criminal in the municipality of Helsinki.

I demanded them to condemn jihadism and islamism, which they never did. They rather blocked my candidacy, but never hestitated to invite a jihadi symphatizer and an islamist into their party.

I criticized the media for enabling it. The Finnish mainstream media outlets, especially public broadcasting made tens of news, in which the now convicted islamist was portrayed as a humanitarian.

The “Toy Smuggler” faking an injury for the Finnish fake news helping the jihadi cause in Syria.

I’m banned and labelled as far-right, even though I am a leftist and a refugee. Finnish media is under Muslim Brotherhoods control, when the subject concerns islam and islamism, and they won’t allow secular liberal refugees to talk. Since 2016, not a single journalist from YLE has been in contact regarding this issue.

They always invite islamists when they talk about islam. There is a huge elephant sitting in the room, but the Finns will not understand. A leftist kurdish refugee founder of the Finnish secular immigrants association exposed an 500,000 euro islamist money forgery scheme inside Finland, and all the journalists are acting like I don’t exist.

Because all of them fell for the jihadi symphatizers’ lies. They won’t allow whistleblowers to talk. ”Free media”, my ass. Now they are whitewashing grooming gangs, so that ”muslims will not get labelled”. They don’t realize that liberal muslims and secular immigrants want them to talk openly and not self censor. They won’t listen. Only islamists agree with the media at this point.

Here is a news article from BBC, telling how he rejected the fraud claims:


Here is one of the most known Finnish publication explaining how I am the original whistleblower:


I just want a fair opportunity to bring out my story about the case. The Finnish media hasn’t been interested in my case, since i have criticized the way they’ve handled it all over. I have been living in a hidden address since the exposion from 2016, recommended by the Finnish police.

I can back up and provide proof of all my claims.

Thank you.
Sincerely, Anter Yasa

