andrea perez
3 min readNov 21, 2018


Slam poetry.

When the methods and approaches class started, my expectations were very high. And yet, this course overcome all of them.

Since I have memory, my dream has been to become a teacher but more important, to become the best version of myself. I am really convinced that education is a big deal and I try to remind this to myself every single day.

Now, I will write about my experience with a class activity called SLAM POETRY. This part of the course was amazing! I learn so much about myself as a student and as a future teacher.

When speaking about the class content, it is very important to clarify that there is a lot of methods and techniques available for the teacher’s community and also, that this tools are diverse and useful for every type of class. I believe that in order to accomplish a good pedagogy method a teacher must do an excellent research work based in the students context. This way, the student will feel that he is really been taken as an important agent in the learning process.

When Professor Mora told us about the next activity (slam poetry) I thought that it was going to be some kind of an evaluation where he was going just to focus on checking our pronunciation and vocabulary skills, once again, I was surprised.

The slam poetry activity was an introspective exercise for all of us. It was about approaching a well written text (a kind of a poem, not with its structure but with its intention) and then, put the text on a video with some creativity details, to finally, get to share it with the classmates and the teacher.

My first thought when I was trying to start writing my text was to talk about some topic related with Colombian educational problems or the future of the learning process. However, I had a lot of videos of a trip that I made to Chocó, Colombia. The inspiration arised. I knew by that moment that I should have start to write about it! The experience was so unreal that I wanted everyone to be able to live it through my video.

I took about 2 weeks writing about it, and re-read a lots of times to make sure it was perfect. When I finally ended the edition of my video I reply it so many times, it was amazing. I totally forgot about the text, the only thing that came into my mind was how beautiful my country and the people of it were.

My video was about the indigenous people and all they practices, I had the opportunity to spend a whole weekend in their community and it felt like home.

When I had the opportunity to watch my classmates work I understood that I was not the only one that felt been touch by this activity. All of the videos were amazing, we learnt about so many things. About our perspectives related to different topics. About our way to see life. About our teachers essence. About ourselves.

The Slam poetry was more than just a homework, it was a project that involved all of our thoughts expressed into beautiful texts. I will definitely use this activity as a number one in my future classes. This is a great way to get to know the students and to let them to raise their voice in an artistic way.

