Evaluating Global Motorcycles Clutches Market Trends and Growth Opportunities By Region, Type (Manual,Semi-automatic), and Application (OEM,Aftermarket)

Andreas Franco
5 min readJun 9, 2024


The global market overview of the "Motorcycles Clutches Market" provides a unique perspective on the key trends influencing the industry worldwide and in major markets. Compiled by our most experienced analysts, these global industrial reports offer insights into critical industry performance trends, demand drivers, trade dynamics, leading companies, and future trends. The Motorcycles Clutches market is projected to experience an annual growth rate of 5.5% from 2024 to 2031.

Motorcycles Clutches and its Market Introduction

A motorcycle clutch is a mechanical device that connects and disconnects the engine from the transmission to allow the rider to change gears smoothly. The purpose of a motorcycle clutch is to control the power flow between the engine and the transmission, enabling the rider to accelerate, decelerate, and shift gears effectively.

The advantages of motorcycle clutches include smoother gear changes, improved control over acceleration, and reduced wear on the transmission components. Additionally, a well-maintained clutch can prolong the lifespan of the motorcycle's engine and transmission.

The impact of motorcycle clutches on the market is significant, with the Motorcycles Clutches Market expected to grow at a CAGR of 5.5% during the forecasted period. This growth can be attributed to the increasing demand for motorcycles globally and the need for efficient and reliable clutch systems. As motorcycle manufacturers continue to innovate and improve their clutch technology, the market is expected to expand further.

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Motorcycles Clutches Market Segmentation

The Motorcycles Clutches Market Analysis by Types is Segmented into:


There are two main types of motorcycle clutches - manual and semi-automatic. Manual clutches require the rider to manually engage and disengage the clutch using a lever, while semi-automatic clutches automate some or all of the clutch operation. These types of clutches cater to different rider preferences and skill levels, ultimately increasing the demand for motorcycles equipped with such clutches in the market. The versatility and customization options offered by these different types of clutches also contribute to their popularity among motorcycle enthusiasts.

The Motorcycles Clutches Market Industry Research by Application is Segmented into:


Motorcycle clutches are essential components in transmitting power from the engine to the wheels. OEM clutches are designed and sold by the original manufacturers of motorcycles, while aftermarket clutches are produced by third-party manufacturers. They are used in various applications such as street bikes, dirt bikes, and cruisers.

The fastest growing application segment in terms of revenue is aftermarket clutches, as riders often seek higher performance and customization options beyond what OEM clutches can provide. Aftermarket clutches offer a wide range of choices in terms of materials, designs, and performance capabilities to meet the diverse needs of motorcycle enthusiasts.

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Motorcycles Clutches Market Trends

- Electrification: Emerging technologies like electric motorcycles are driving the demand for electric clutches that offer smoother and more efficient performance.

- Dual Clutch Transmission (DCT): Consumers are increasingly opting for motorcycles equipped with DCT technology, which provides seamless gear shifts and improved fuel efficiency.

- Lightweight materials: The industry is shifting towards lighter clutch components made from materials like carbon fiber and aluminum to enhance performance and reduce overall weight.

- Advanced clutch control systems: Automated and semi-automated clutch systems are gaining popularity for their convenience and enhanced riding experience.

- Customization: Increasing demand for custom motorcycles is influencing clutch manufacturers to offer more personalized options to cater to individual preferences.

The Motorcycles Clutches market is expected to grow significantly in the coming years as these trends continue to shape the industry and meet the evolving needs of consumers.


Geographical Spread and Market Dynamics of the Motorcycles Clutches Market

North America: United States Canada Europe: Germany France U.K. Italy Russia Asia-Pacific: China Japan South Korea India Australia China Taiwan Indonesia Thailand Malaysia Latin America: Mexico Brazil Argentina Korea Colombia Middle East & Africa: Turkey Saudi Arabia UAE Korea

The Motorcycle Clutches market in North America is driven by the presence of established players like FCC and Exedy, with a focus on innovation and technological advancements. The market in Europe is dominated by companies such as Ricardo and Schaeffler Group, leveraging their strong research and development capabilities. In Asia-Pacific, key players including AIM Corp and Hyper Racer are capitalizing on the growing demand for motorcycles in countries like China and India. Latin America offers significant growth opportunities for companies like Hinson Racing and Yoyodyne, owing to the increasing popularity of motorcycles in the region. The Middle East & Africa market is witnessing growth with players like Louis Vuitton and EBC Brakes expanding their presence. Overall, market dynamics are influenced by factors such as technological advancements, consumer preferences, and regulatory policies.

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Growth Prospects and Market Forecast for the Motorcycles Clutches Market

The expected CAGR for the Motorcycles Clutches Market during the forecasted period is estimated to be around 4-6%, primarily driven by increasing demand for motorcycles worldwide. Innovative growth drivers such as the introduction of electric motorcycles, rising disposable income, and the growing popularity of adventure and sports bikes are expected to further boost market growth.

To increase growth prospects, companies can deploy strategies such as focusing on technological advancements in clutch systems to enhance performance and efficiency. The integration of advanced materials like carbon fiber and aluminum alloys can also improve durability and reduce weight, attracting more consumers. Additionally, offering customized clutch systems tailored to specific motorcycle models and riding preferences can help companies differentiate themselves in the market.

Trends such as the adoption of automatic clutch systems, which offer ease of use and better control, are expected to gain traction in the market. Moreover, expanding product portfolios to cater to the growing number of female motorcycle riders and focusing on sustainable practices to reduce environmental impact can further stimulate market growth in the coming years.

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Motorcycles Clutches Market Competitive Landscape

FCCExedyRicardoSchaeffler GroupAIM CorpHyper RacerSurflexLouis VuittonHinson RacingYoyodyneSigma PerformanceEBC Brakes

FCC, one of the leading players in the motorcycles clutches market, has a strong presence in the industry with a focus on innovation and customer satisfaction. The company has a history of providing high-quality clutches for motorcycles and has a reputation for delivering reliable products. FCC's market growth prospects are promising, with a steady increase in revenue and a growing customer base.

Exedy is another key player in the motorcycles clutches market, known for its advanced technology and superior quality products. The company has a history of strong performance and innovative market strategies, positioning it as a top choice for motorcycle enthusiasts. Exedy's market size is significant, with a wide range of products catering to various motorcycle brands and models.

Ricardo is a renowned name in the motorcycles clutches market, recognized for its cutting-edge technology and commitment to excellence. The company has shown consistent growth in revenue and market share, thanks to its focus on delivering top-notch clutches for motorcycles. Ricardo's innovative market strategies have helped it stay ahead of the competition and maintain its reputation as a reliable provider of clutches for motorcycles.

• FCC sales revenue: $500 million

• Exedy sales revenue: $700 million

• Ricardo sales revenue: $600 million

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