Week 8 — Art Activity — Photo Story

Anthony Basteiro
2 min readJul 20, 2020


In this picture, my parents and I were walking down the main street towards the stadium. Walking down this street was an experience because of the excitement that was in the air.
I took this picture while my parents were driving through St. Louis. I thought this picture was cool because I was able to take a picture of the monument that was also in the snapchat filter.
I took this picture of my mom and I at the end of the game. The game was on christmas day, so the weather in Pittsburgh was not something we were used to.
On our way back home from Pittsburgh, we stopped by the Grand Canyon. We were unlucky because there was fog throughout the entire canyon so taking pictures was difficult.
Before leaving Pittsburgh, my parents and I visited this famous cemetery. This cemetery was the one used in the first “Night of the living dead.”
This picture of my two dogs is significant to me because of their bond. I found both of the them left at shelters after being abused. Being able to see both of them grow together is great.
After bringing him home, I named him sunny.
Ben loves to go on car rides and wear his sweater.

