Anthony Galanda Highlights How Individuals and Businesses Can Market Themselves in 2020

Anthony Galanda
3 min readApr 23, 2020


A dynamic marketing strategy is fundamental to the long-term success of a business. While conventional marketing techniques such as print ads, radio, and television may have been effective ten years ago, today’s digital landscape requires a more complex approach.

Public Relations professional, Anthony Galanda claims that digital marketing is extremely cost-effective and can reach a much wider audience. With a sophisticated understanding of today’s marketing strategies, he provides some tips on how individuals and businesses can market themselves in 2020.

Social Media

One of the most effective ways to digitally market is through various social media platforms says Anthony Galanda. In a research article from 2015, it was found that nearly 65 percent of the U.S. population used social media, and this number continues to rise. Popular sites include Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn, all of which allow users to promote products and ideas while interacting with their customer base.

While it is not always necessary to be present on all platforms at once, Anthony Galanda recommends starting with one or two profiles and scaling up from there. He also reminds individuals to frequently check these pages to answer any customer questions or concerns. Customers are more likely to purchases products or services if they see individuals or businesses working to provide helpful information right from the beginning.

Professional Website

It is crucial to have a professional website that is both functional and user-friendly. Most consumers use these pages as a means to evaluate products or services or engage with the business directly. According to recent reports, approximately 30 percent of Americans will not consider a business without a website. Additionally, 81 percent of individuals research a business before making a purchasing decision. Although many businesses would like to rely strictly on referrals, investing in a professional website can generate more sales in the long-run.


Aside from mainstream social media platforms, another popular method of marketing is professional blogging. While this can take some time to build, various studies have demonstrated that businesses that blog regularly typically gain more clients compared to those that do not, says Anthony Galanda. Blogging once or twice weekly with relevant material can make a huge impact over time, showing customers your investment, while also helping keep you up to date in your industry.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

A more recent marketing tool has been using search engine optimization (SEO) to bring more awareness to an individual or business. Anthony Galanda explains that SEO is the process of using keywords, tags, and relevant content to help bring an online presence higher up on the list of search results on search engines. For example, when searching for a contractor on Google, people are more likely to browse the options available on the first or second page of results to find someone suitable, and if a business is not listed, they are losing out on potential customers.

Whether you are a start-up company or an established business with years of experience, it is important to have a solid understanding of the digital landscape to ensure success. Anthony recommends performing extensive research to gauge which tactics are best suited to your business.

