10 subtle signs a girl likes you

Godwin Anthony
Published in
7 min readJul 12, 2023
Photo by Michael Dam on Unsplash

Communication also requires signs and body language. Depending on the situation, some display signs without even realizing it. This sign plays an important role in helping others understand their feelings, especially in awkward situations.

In this article, I'm about to tell you 10 signs to watch out for to know if a girl likes you, the last one will surprise you.

Women are affectionate beings and when they like someone they show it in subtle ways. Knowing these signs can help you determine whether a girl is interested in you or not. Pay attention to her body language, words, and actions to find out if a girl has a crush on you.

If you can read the signs a girl displays when she is interested in you, you are more likely to make her yours. Instead of waiting for her to tell you her feelings, which in most cases doesn't happen. Provided she already likes you, there is a good chance that you won't be rejected when you approach her.

Here are the subtle 10 signs she likes you and she’s waiting for you to make the first move.

1. She makes time for you.

Making time for you is a sign that a girl is crushing on you. It could be through phone calls, online chats, or hanging out together. Whichever one it is, she'll need to devote her time to it.

Girls enjoy spending time with boys they're interested in, over other activities. In other words, if she likes you, she will create time to spend with you and if she can't, she'll ask you to reschedule to a more convenient time.

If a girl does not make time for you, it is likely that she is not interested in you. She may still be friendly, but she won't put much effort into creating time for you. Furthermore, if you notice that she only makes time for you when it is convenient for her, it is a sign that she is not interested.

2. She feels nervous around you.

Knowing this sign and how to read it will save you some trouble because guys often mistake this sign for lack of interest. You have to be able to differentiate between when she's nervous or shy from when she's not interested.

If she fumbles with her hands, fidgets nervously, or plays with her hair while you talk to her. It could be a sign of shyness or lack of confidence, which could indicate that she is nervous when she's around you. Alternatively, it could also be a sign that she is interested in you and trying to be coy.

3. she blushes at the sight of you.

If you can make her smile or laugh, there is a high chance she has a crush on you and is interested in getting to know you better. The sight of you will make her fluster and give her a pleasant feeling, so she can't help but smile at you.

When a person is interested in someone, their body releases chemicals such as dopamine and serotonin, which make them feel good. This causes the person to smile and laugh in response, as the feeling of pleasure is uncontrollable.

You shouldn't be fixed on catching her blushing at you every time if she blushes at you from a distance. It might make her feel awkward or embarrassed, especially if she's shy. You should also be certain she is not the type of girl who blushes whenever she talks to other guys, so you won't be mistaken.

4. She is open about being single.

I'm sure you already know that when you ask a girl about her relationship status, she says she's in a relationship when she's not. That means she's not interested, but she would rather not tell you directly.

In any case, if she is open about her relationship status with you and she's single. This could be a sign that she likes you and is more likely to be open to the idea of a relationship. However, this sign alone is not enough to tell if she really likes you.

Even when a girl is open about her relationship status with you, it's wise to look for other signs of interest to figure out if she is interested in taking things further. These signs can include compliments, physical contact, asking you questions about yourself, and smiling or laughing when you talk.

5. She stares at you when you're unaware.

When a girl has a crush on you, this is one of the first signs you notice. Girls are known to stare at guys they like, whether subconsciously or consciously. You might be at a party, classroom, or bar and notice a girl staring at you multiple times, and when you turn over to see her face.

If she looks away and blushes, then she's shy, but if she smiles and doesn't look away. She's confident about her feelings for you.

When trying to catch her glaring at you, you shouldn't overdo it, so you won't make it appear like you're the one looking at her. You have to make her think that she's the one that likes you, so you'll have the upper hand.

6. She will do silly things to grab your attention.

This sign may be subtle, but it can easily tell you if she's interested in you. Once you understand it, knowing your next move will be easier.

Women can attempt to grab your attention in different ways. For example, reacting and commenting on your post on social media. She caresses her hair while glaring at you, licking her lips, trying to look more beautiful when she's around you or knowing she's about to see you.

She will do this to draw your attention and stand out from other women. Her goal is to make you notice her interest in you and give you a positive impression of herself.

7. She's a different person when she's around you.

Depending on how differently she acts around you, you should be able to tell if she likes you. If she likes you, she will be happy to be around you and be more open to you than when she's with another guy.

She may also laugh easily at your jokes and pay more attention to you. On the other hand, if she is more outgoing, she may be more talkative, more affectionate, or even try to make physical contact with you when you two are alone.

These subtle differences in behavior can be a good indicator of how she feels about you.

8. She compliments you and makes you feel positive about yourself.

As we all know, saying positive things about people or things we like is normal to us, so as a girl complimenting the boy she likes. Compliments can have a powerful effect on the person receiving them.

They can boost one's self-esteem and make the person feel valued and appreciated. If she compliments you while smiling, there is a good chance she likes you.

Additionally, compliments can help people to feel closer to one another and build an emotional connection.

9. She always seems interested in what you have to say and tries to continue the conversation.

If a girl likes you, she’ll look for excuses to talk to you, whether by asking you obvious questions or seeking your opinion about something. Girls enjoy talking to guys they like.
It might be online if she’s the shy type or face to face if she’s Confident enough. However, she’ll be interested in what you have to say and will give you attention while also contributing to the conversation since she’s enjoying your company.

She will also use body language to show her interest, such as smiling and making eye contact, which can indicate that she likes you and is interested in what you have to say.

10. She is conscious of how she acts around other guys when you're present.

When a girl likes you, she always considers how her behavior could be interpreted by you. She knows flirting with other guys would give you the wrong impression of her feelings for you. So, she wouldn't connect with other guys the way she does with you.

This gives you the impression that she only has feelings for you alone. As a result, she will want to protect the special connection between you, as it is something that she values and doesn't want to risk losing.

Girls can have multiple crushes at the same time. So if she's flirting with other guys the way she does with you. Then it's either she has a crush on multiple guys or she's the kind of girl that's flirty, talkative, and playful with different guys.


Understanding how girls show interest in boys they like makes it easier for guys to be with girls they like. Only one of these signs might not be enough to tell if she likes you.

However, you can be certain if you've observed multiple of these signs. With that said, it's also important to remember that girls prefer confident boys, who can interpret their feelings and act towards them. For example, taking her on a date and showing her you care.

Psychologists believe that to effectively interpret a girl's feelings, boys must be able to read between the lines, so to speak. That is, they must be able to pick up on subtle cues and body language. This allows them to better understand what she is feeling and, in turn, act in a manner that she will appreciate.

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Godwin Anthony

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