Tony’s Developer Diary #00

My first foray into the document over create principle as a developer

Anthony Kiplimo
2 min readDec 13, 2017

I have been working on code for the last two years and a lot has changed. From jumping from one language to another, one framework to another all the way to realising that development is more of problem solving rather than specific technologies.

As a result, I have ended up wasting so much time and resources just trying to be that golden developer. However, this is not to say that I am a terrible developer, no. This is to say that I have been way less efficient than I should have.

I have been listening to Gary Vaynerchuck for the past year and he’s really opened up my mind to some core principles that I need to adopt. I’ve been slow in adopting his principles but I think one of the first things that I’ve thought would be of benefit is documenting.

Having lunch yesterday with some older folks, one says

“I wish we documented what we did more. We could learn from our mistakes and help others along the way since we have this wealth of knowledge that we have documented and stored!”

That really hit me. I’ve always heard Gary talk about document over create but I’ve never really tried it. I’ve been making YouTube videos since March and it’s been fun creating and learning so much about content creation and management. However, doing reviews can get hard. Creative juices run low, new devices are hard to come by and honestly can get darn hectic.

But by sharing my story every day after I work on a project for two or three hours, I’m able to hold myself accountable by documenting my progress. I prefer Medium because I can type out as much as I want without much worry. Also, it’s a really mobile friendly reading platform.

Anyways, this is why I’m doing this. To not only share my progress but help document my journey to help those that are starting out and just figuring things out. Hopefully, this serves as an increment to the human knowledge base.

Feel free to hit me up on Twitter @anthonylimo and on Instagram as @i_am_limo_anthony



Anthony Kiplimo

Developer Relations | Product Designer| Economics Enthusiast | JavaScript, Python & DevOps | Tech YouTuber: Tony Takes On Tech