How to Easily Turn Your SaaS Blog Into a Powerful Lead Machine

Anthony Sills
2 min readDec 12, 2019


Originally published on the blog, The Content Corner

Bonus Material: 5 Strategic Recommendations That Will Turn Your SaaS Blog Into a Powerful Lead Machine

Is your SaaS blog deader than Elvis?

Blogging + SaaS go together like fried peanut butter and banana sandwiches.

According to Cobloom’s 2017 report, The State of SaaS Content Marketing, “Almost all big, successful SaaS companies use content marketing. Most of them don’t understand it and don’t execute it properly.”

If you’ve tried managing a SaaS blog, you know that your work never seems to end.

You also know your company blog could perform better.

But what should you do to kick-start your content marketing?

Well, in my latest blog post I share 5 important changes you need to make to get more traffic, leads, and paying customers from your SaaS blog.

These are data-based recommendations you can use to get better results from your content marketing, even if you’re a solo marketer or on a small marketing team.

Check it out here:

Leave a comment on my post with your favorite recommendation!



Anthony Sills

Helped 769+ brands create better content. Now, I help B2B startups acquire, nurture, and convert more customers. I talk about content marketing, SEO, and CRO.