Build a Deck of Cards with OO Python

Anthony Tapias
5 min readNov 1, 2018

We will build a deck of cards with Object-Orientated Programming.

Step 1: Prepare our classes:

We will have three classes. A class Card, class Deck and class Player . Each of these will inherit from the object. We create an init method for each class.

Step 2: Create our class Card:

The Card is going to take a suit and value self. We’re going to create the attributes suit, value and set them equal to whatever we pass in when we create a card.

We create another method to show the card. Everything takes self so we have access it’ s attribute self. In the show method we want to print out the card, so we make a string that will print out the value and the suit.

We are now done with the Card class! Lets test this by creating an instance of the card:

Step 3: Create our class Deck:

When we create a deck what do we want to do? Well we might first want to build our deck with 52…



Anthony Tapias

Software Enginer at BofA. Interests include Data Science, Data Engineering and Software Engineering.