Lock, Stock, and Key: Strategies for Swift Emergency Lockout Resolution

Anthony’s Towing LLC
5 min readJan 2, 2024

Few situations are as exasperating and disheartening as the sudden realization that your car keys are safely locked inside your vehicle. The frustration can escalate, especially when you find yourself pressed for time or stuck outside your car on a remote stretch of road.

There are no statistics on car lockouts, either because they don’t happen often enough or because they happen too often to keep count. Anthony’s Towing’s money is on the latter. Having been in the roadside assistance business as long as they have, they can attest to how many people lock themselves out of their cars every year in Colorado alone.

Here are some effective strategies to resolve the challenge of a vehicle lockout inspired by their emergency lockout service.

Stay Calm and Assess

Maintaining composure is important in the immediate aftermath of finding out you left your car keys inside a locked vehicle. Rather than succumbing to panic, take a moment to collect yourself. A calm mind can think more clearly and creatively, potentially revealing a solution an anxious could never brain come up with.

While assessing the situation, carefully inspect all the windows and doors. Sometimes, a window might be partially open or a door not fully latched. This simple observation could be the key to solving your predicament without any roadside assistance.

After confirming that you have indeed been locked out of your vehicle, take a deep breath and examine your surroundings for a potential solution.

Contact Your Insurance Provider

When a vehicle lockout proves more challenging than a quick fix, you may require your provider’s assistance. Many vehicle insurance policies offer comprehensive roadside assistance packages that encompass emergency lockout.

Ensure you have the contact information for your insurance provider’s 24 hour roadside assistance colorado springs program readily available in your phone or stored in the glove compartment.

While a call to your insurance company can dispatch a professional who specializes in assisting individuals locked out of their vehicles, the speed of this response may vary from provider to provider. The same goes for the breadth of their toolkit and experience in different car models and lock mechanisms.

Last but not least, an insurance provider does not guarantee a damage-free resolution to your predicament. They are a viable option outside Colorado, but you’re better off with a professional emergency lockout provider within its borders.

Call a Trustworthy Emergency Lockout Service Provider

For situations that require specialized attention, turning to a trustworthy auto locksmith is a wise move.

Auto locksmiths are professionals with expertise in emergency lockouts. Their knowledge extends beyond conventional lockouts to include various car models and complex locking mechanisms. They possess a diverse set of tools tailored to handle different locks and vehicles.

Keep the contact details of at least one of these reputable roadside assistance providers in your phone or written down in a secure location within your vehicle. By reaching out to an auto locksmith, you can ensure a swift resolution to your lockout without causing damage to your vehicle.

Check for Spare Keys or Keyless Entry Methods

Prevention often proves to be the best remedy for a vehicle lockout. Consider having spare keys strategically placed to mitigate the impact of such situations. Give a friend or family member who lives in the same city or town as you a spare set of keys in case you need them.

If you’re locked out of your vehicle after getting home, you can use magnetic key holders discreetly attached to the exterior of your property as a secure and convenient backup.

Additionally, modern vehicles often come equipped with keyless entry methods or smartphone apps that facilitate unlocking doors remotely.

Familiarize yourself with these features and ensure they are set up before an emergency arises. Keyless entry methods can be a lifesaver, letting you unlock your vehicle without the need for physical keys.

Seek Assistance from Law Enforcement

In situations where life and property are at risk, law enforcement may be able to assist with a vehicle lockout. If you find yourself in a particularly precarious or unsafe location, such as accidentally locking the car with a dog or infant inside, contact the local police emergency line. Inquire about the availability of an officer who can help unlock your vehicle.

When seeking roadside assistance from law enforcement, be prepared to provide a license and registration to ensure that the officer is assisting the rightful owner. While law enforcement may not always have the tools for the job, they can offer valuable support in specific circumstances.

Law enforcement may not, however, assist in non-emergencies. Forgetting your house and car keys inside your home does not qualify as an emergency; that’s a job for an emergency lockout service.

Avoid More Lockouts

A vehicle lockout, while undoubtedly inconvenient, can serve as a valuable learning opportunity. Reflect on the circumstances that led to you requesting the emergency lockout and take measures to prevent a recurrence.

Consider the following proactive steps to avoid future inconveniences.

Designate a Trusted Key Holder

Identify a trusted neighbor, friend, or family member who can hold a spare key for you. This designated key holder should be easily reachable in case of emergencies, ensuring that you have a reliable backup plan.

Utilize Keyless Entry Features

Take full advantage of keyless entry features if your vehicle is equipped with them. Familiarize yourself with the setup and operation of these features to ensure a seamless experience when needed.

Get a Spare Key

If your vehicle does not have keyless entry features, consider creating a spare key and keeping it in a secure location. Consult with your vehicle manufacturer or a locksmith to obtain a spare key that can be used in emergencies.

Ensure Swift Resolutions with Anthony’s Towing’s Emergency Lockout in Colorado

By learning from the experience of a vehicle lockout, you can implement practical measures to enhance preparedness and minimize the likelihood of future incidents.

That being said, you’re only human. Mistakes can happen anytime, and a lockout can happen anywhere in Colorado. If the above avoidance strategies don’t come through when you need them most, turn to a professional who will.

Trust Anthony’s Towing’s 40-year experience in emergency lockout and other emergency roadside assistance Colorado Springs to stay calm in the face of a vehicular lockout, breakdown, or crash.

Get in touch for prompt assistance in most parts of Colorado.

