CASES Q&A with Dominic Powell

3 min readJan 15, 2020


CASES is a new musical that explores the triumphs and sacrifices involved in pursuing true art where commercialism collides with artistry and fame becomes a high price to pay.

We catch up with lyricist and composer Dominic Powell to find out a little more about this exciting project.

Writer and lyricist Dominic Powell
  1. What is CASES about?

CASES is essentially about breaking the fear of pursuing dreams and lifelong ambitions, gaining the confidence to flow and be fully creative in whatever industry one is employed. This is explored through an episodic narrative where we see characters battling between commercialism and artistry, tasting fame and success, experiencing obscurity and rejection, but ultimately triumphing as they discover their true identities.

2. What inspired you to write CASES?

After watching a student production of David Eldrige’s Market Boy, I was inspired to create an unconventional piece of musical theatre that experimented artistically as some of my artistic creative heroes, such as Eldridge, Berkoff, Brecht and Sondheim, often did. Additionally, at the time of curating the piece I was unemployed, had been out of drama school for several months and was going through several personal challenges. Thus, there was a need to have an outlet to express emotions and process what I was experiencing. And thus, CASES was born.

3. Why is a piece like CASES so important for an audience of today?

CASES is important for today’s audience because it offers bold, unashamed hope in the face of impending governmental cuts and the constant wave of art, drama, music and dance departments closing in schools across the UK. I also believe CASES is a musical that carries universal timeless themes due to the spark of creativity that exists within every one of us, regardless of the industry in which we work. Whether manipulating data and formatting spreadsheets in accountancy or unpicking narratological evidence, reading between the lines to uncover motives or intentions in law, I believe we all carry the potential to enact enormous amounts of creativity which when unlocked, help us to fully thrive, and not just survive, in life.

CASES @ Phoenix Artist’s Club 2017. Featuring Bobbie Little, Christina Matovu, Nick McLean and Jordan Shaw

4. Can you chat a little bit about its development?

Interestingly, the first iteration of CASES featured new songs written specifically for the piece curated with one or two songs that were in my musical theatre repertoire but hadn’t yet found a home. I won’t tell you which ones…! I then tested a few songs at an intimate gig at the Theatre Café before developing an initial score and producing a premiere of the musical in 2017 at the Phoenix Arts Club in collaboration with Michael Auger from Britain’s Got Talent winning group Collabro. Following the premiere, the piece was developed further with the score fully revamped and additional songs written. We are excited about its next stage of development where the piece will finally be realised as a full theatrical production with fellow director Grace Taylor.

5. What can audiences expect from this show?

With the show comprised of ‘terrific numbers’ and ‘marvellous compositions’ (British Theatre), audiences can expect a captivating and uplifting experience, journeying with each character in the world of CASES as they are taken on an emotionally thrilling ride. Our previous audiences have left insecurities, failed dreams, worries, stresses and cares at the door and enjoyed an evening of limitless inspiration that ultimately left them transformed, bursting with hope and ambition.

For further information about the show follow us on Twitter and Instagram (@Casesldn)

You can catch CASES at All That Scratch on January 27th @ 7pm (The Other Palace). Tickets available here:




A new musical by Dominic Powell