This Bat Suit Doesn’t Protect Me From Twitter Bullies

Anthony Solorzano
3 min readMar 6, 2022

This society. Darkness surrounds the city of Gotham. True criminals remain fearful when the bat signal shines through the dimmed sky but that doesn’t stop the insults from flooding Twitter. My bat suit does not protect me from strangers constantly yelling insults that damage my emotions. Show yourselves, you cowards, and come out of the shadow of the underworld. Putting a riddle-obsessed freak was easier than dealing with @ThePenguin$_bratt saying “All those daddy issues are stopping you from flying.” She doesn’t know how damaging those words are. There’s nothing in my utility belt to help me become sticks and stones.

Even after asking Alfred if there’s anything at WayneCorps disposable to control my feelings, I found out the health insurance doesn’t cover therapy. The closest to therapy our insurance covers is a free weekend at Gotham’s 5-star pharmaceutical haven — Arkham Asylum. It’s getting out of control. My emotions are harder to control when in combat. Taking a swing at a city littered with crime while I ruminate about the words of @sofresh&soMr.FreezeFreeze is exhausting. The words “I can see your pepperoni nipples through your suit,” replay after every punch to the chest I get. The blows to the gut from delinquents were less harmful than the words that were haunting my thoughts. Numbness.



Anthony Solorzano

LA Dodgers / LA Galaxy Blogger. In other words, I write about what causes my depression. @soloant__ on Twitter