Difference Between Content Writing & Copywriting…

4 min readJun 21, 2024


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Writing has become a forefront of digital marketing and many online businesses cannot do without it. But within this dynamic industry, two distinct skill sets — Content writing and Copywriting — have over time delivered a compelling brand narrative. This guide will explore the nuances of content writing and copywriting to enable you to make informed decisions for your marketing strategy or choose which one to become or hire.

Now, let’s take a closer look into it.

Article Content Table

1. What is content writing
1b. Types of content writing
2. What's copywriting
2b. Types of copywriting
3. Content Writing vs Copywriting: How are they so different?
4. What does a content writer do?
5. What does a copywriter do?
6. Content writer vs copywriter: who should you use to achieve the best marketing strategy?
7. How to decide: should you hire a content writer or copywriter?

1. What is Content writing?

Content writing refers to the process of researching, writing, editing, and publishing written materials that educate, inform, and entertain your target audience. It presents your brand as unique, fosters credibility, assures value, and keeps readers engaged.

1b. Types of Content Writing

Content writing is manifested in various forms such as (but not limited to):

  • Blog Posts & Articles: This contains Informative pieces with central themes on industry trends, product features, or how-to guides.
  • Website Content: That is, an engaging website copy that informs visitors about your brand, products, and services.
  • Social Media Posts: This type of content is usually written by social media managers to capture attention and drive engagement on social media platforms.
  • Email newsletters: These are Informative or promotional emails designed to build communities, nurture leads, and drive sales.
  • Ebooks & Whitepapers: These are in-depth content pieces that offer valuable insights on demanding topics.

2. What is Copywriting?

Copywriting is simply the art of persuasion. It compels readers to take specific actions, such as subscribing to a newsletter, signing up for a course, making a purchase, or downloading an app. Effective copywriting uses emotional triggers and persuasive language to convert interest into action.

2b. Types of Copywriting

Copywriting is manifested in various forms such as(but not limited to):

  • Website Sales Copy i.e. compelling product descriptions and website copy that entice visitors to order products.
  • Landing Pages i.e. persuasive copy designed to convert website visitors into leads or paying customers.
  • Advertising Copy, i.e. catchy headlines, taglines, and ad copy crafted to grab attention and drive sales. They are mostly published on billboards.
  • Email Marketing Copy i.e., action-oriented email sequences designed to convert leads and drive sales.
  • Call to Action (CTO) Copy i.e. short, persuasive phrases urging readers to take a specific action (e.g.,” Click on”, "Order Now," "Download Here").

3. Content Writing vs Copywriting: How Are They So Different?

The core difference lies in their goals. Content writing focuses on building relationships and brand awareness while copywriting aims for immediate conversions. However, they also possess different technicalities.

In length, Content Writing tends to be in short form (less than 1,000 words,) mid form ( 1,000- 2, 000 words), and longer form (2,000 words and more) whereas copywriting is concise and action-oriented. A copy could be 50 words!

Secondly, Content writing prioritizes SEO optimization to attract organic traffic through search engines and user intent whereas Copywriting is less SEO-focused, concentrating on driving conversions.

In style, Content writing adopts a more informative or conversational tone, and is written with simple words that require no dictionary checkups. However, although copywriting is written in simple words it also adapts trendy slang or pidgin which suits the purpose of the copy. Inevitably, Copywriting uses persuasive language and emotional triggers to arouse immediate care that would lead to immediate action.

4. What Does a Content Writer Do?

A Content writer researchers, conceptualizes, and creates informative content that aligns with your brand voice, and goals and resonates with the target audience. They conduct keyword research to optimize content for search engines and ensure it aligns with your overall marketing strategy.

5. What Does a Copywriter Do?

A Copywriter crafts compelling marketing materials designed to drive conversions and sales. They understand human psychology and use persuasive language to craft messages that trigger your target audience's emotional responses and motivate them to take action.

6. Content Writer vs Copywriter: Who Should You Use to Get the Best Marketing Strategy?

An effective marketing strategy utilizes both content writing and copywriting. On one hand, Content Writing lays the groundwork for future sales by attracting and engaging your target audience and is great for long-term marketing strategy but on the other hand, Copywriting converts that traffic into qualified leads and sales and is great for short-term marketing strategy.

But in the case where short-term conversion is paramount, then copywriting is the best choice.

7. How to Decide: Should You Hire a Content Writer or Copywriter?

Honestly, this decision depends on your specific marketing and term goals. If you are looking to build brand awareness in the long term and drive organic traffic in gradual steps then hire a Content writer. But, as earlier mentioned, when short-term strategy is the goal, hiring a Copywriter is essential to drive sales and conversion.
Note that you can recruit two employees for each role but many skilled professionals possess expertise in both content writing and copywriting.


Content Writing and Copywriting are both essential skills in the digital marketing business.

Neither is better than the other but each can flourish without the other.

Content writing is written to communicate value, educate, inform, entertain, and create relationships while Copywriting is written to persuade and achieve specific actions.

By understanding the difference roles of Content writing and Copywriting, you can craft a well-rounded marketing strategy that attracts, engages, and converts your target audience.


I’ll write to you again next Friday! Until then, have a fun weekend and productive weekdays.





Book whore. Word blender. Quintessential. The last stir fry spaghetti blender.