Nami and Her Burden: Esoteric Analysis of One Piece Volume 9

7 min readJun 19, 2023


Volume 9 of One Piece introduces readers to Nami’s troubled childhood and sheds light on the figure of Arlong, an antagonist who played a crucial role in her upbringing. The Arlong Park narrative arc reveals the complex dynamics between the pirates, the citizens of Coco Village, and the Navy, while also providing insights into esoteric themes (this volume also concludes Buggy’s mini-adventures).

Spoiler Alert: In the initial articles of the Esoteric One Piece series, I didn’t add a spoiler alert because they date back over 22 years. However, I understand there might be someone who started enjoying this work recently, so I decided to include this warning from volume 8 onwards. I remind readers that although I’ve followed the saga up until about 2011, I don’t know the most recent events and I have only recently started re-reading One Piece. I believe these articles may be interesting for both long-term fans and new enthusiasts.

Nami’s burden and her companions

Cover of the First Italian Edition of One Piece n.9
Cover of the First Italian Edition of One Piece n.9

In an attempt to protect her companions and maintain her delicate agreement with Arlong for the purchase of her village’s freedom, Nami goes to the extent of pretending to kill Usopp, injuring her own hand rather than risk hurting her mate, who indeed manages to save himself. However, this action does nothing but add tension to the emotional weight she was already carrying.

This “boulder” on Nami’s shoulders can be esoterically interpreted as the emotional burden she is bearing. It’s a vivid representation of the idea that people often carry unresolved issues or emotional wounds, making them heavier the longer they are left unaddressed and unresolved. Just like a real boulder becomes heavier the longer it’s carried, so does Nami’s emotional weight intensify as her situation becomes more complicated and dangerous.

Nami finds herself in a delicate position: on one hand, she is forced to collaborate with Arlong to save her village; on the other, she can’t help but worry about the safety of her companions. This internal conflict and her struggle to maintain balance between these two responsibilities add to the emotional weight she is carrying, a weight that continues to grow as the story unfolds.

In this light, Nami’s story is not just a compelling narrative of sacrifice and survival, but also becomes an esoteric symbol of the emotional burdens that people carry and the need to confront and resolve them to be able to move forward.

Luffy’s Arrival and Nami’s Past

The arrival of Luffy on the island brings another aspect of Nami’s character to light. Despite her dire situation, she still worries about her companions’ safety and rejects them to protect them. Luffy’s seemingly naive behavior, as he lies down and falls asleep after being rejected by Nami, could be interpreted as a moment of reflection. In an esoteric context, sleep is often seen as incubation time for ideas and thoughts, so it might represent the moment Luffy is processing the strange situation he’s in.

Arlong, however, has no intention of honoring the pact with Nami and sends Nezumi to steal the treasure that Nami painstakingly collected. This betrayal further amplifies the emotional weight on Nami’s shoulders, making it unbearable. Her dream of freeing her village seems to fade, leading to an increase in despair and sadness.

While all this is happening, Nojiko, Nami’s adopted sister, tells Zoro, Sanji, and Usopp about Nami’s childhood and the death of Bell-mère, their adopted mother. Bell-mère’s sacrifice to save the lives of Nami and Nojiko is a pivotal moment in Nami’s life and can be examined from an esoteric perspective. Sacrifice is a recurring theme in many esoteric rituals, symbolizing purification, selflessness, and unconditional love. Bell-mère managed to embody these noble qualities in her final act of love for her daughters.

Interestingly, Luffy refuses to listen to Nami’s story, instead choosing to walk away. This gesture might seem odd, but it could also represent the unconditional trust that Luffy has in Nami. Instead of listening to others’ version, he prefers to wait for Nami to speak directly with him. This act of trust and respect for Nami’s autonomy is an important aspect of the bond that develops between the two characters.

Between Power and Corruption: The Failure of Institutions

The corruption within institutions is a theme explored through the figure of Nezumi, the Navy officer manipulated by Arlong. This aspect highlights the idea that, despite the apparent external order represented by institutions, there is a stark contrast with an inner or spiritual truth. Esoterically, this could indicate the struggle between appearance and reality, between integrity and corruption, or between the material and spiritual world.

The scene on page 184 offers powerful esoteric symbolism. A sailor points out to Nezumi that the banknotes are dirty with blood and mud, to which he responds that they are still money. The scene can be interpreted as a comment on the human cost of greed and power. In esoterism, blood is often linked to life and sacrifice, while mud can represent baseness or corruption. The interaction between these two elements creates a powerful symbol of the consequences of corruption. Nezumi’s view of valuing the banknotes only for their monetary value, despite being “dirty” with blood and mud, highlights the indifference towards the human cost of corruption.

Nami’s Breakdown: Luffy… Help me!

the manga page described in this paragraph
Luffy… Help Me! — Credit: Shonen Jump

As the situation worsens and Nojiko gets hurt by the marines, Luffy offers his help to Nami. However, Nami’s angry response urges him to leave the island. Here it might be useful to explore the importance of external help and connection with others in an esoteric context, and how the refusal of help can represent an attempt to face one’s own problems alone.

In her deepest moment of despair, Nami reaches the point where she can no longer bear the emotional weight of the circumstances. She starts crying and inflicts a wound on her shoulder where Arlong’s crew symbol is tattooed. This gesture could be interpreted as an attempt to physically free herself from the bond with Arlong and his influence over her life. Luffy stops her, and Nami’s despair culminates in the moment where, with humility and vulnerability, she finally asks him for help. This moment could represent the importance of humility and openness in accepting others’ help in a path of healing or spiritual transformation. It is, in my opinion, one of the absolute high points of the story.

In response to Nami’s plea for help, Luffy hands her his straw hat, an object of great personal significance to him, and prepares to confront Arlong. Luffy’s straw hat is associated with Luffy’s determination and his will to protect his friends. This passing gesture can be interpreted as an act of trust and protection. In an esoteric context, parallels can be drawn with traditions of transferring blessings or powers through physical objects. Luffy’s hat, in this context, might represent a sort of protection amulet or a power symbol that Luffy gives to Nami, who will have to safeguard it in view of the clash with Arlong.

Nami: Symbols, Colors, and Drawings

Nami is often associated with the color orange, a vibrant color that in esoterism is linked to concepts such as creativity, joy, determination, attraction, and ambition. Throughout Nami’s childhood, many of these themes emerge. Her ambition for freedom drives her to find creative ways to navigate the difficult circumstances she finds herself in. Her joy and determination are evident in her love for cartography and her desire to explore the world. Nami’s orange coloring could therefore be seen as a reflection of her vibrant personality and her indomitable determination.

Nami’s tattoo depicts a tangerine and a pinwheel, symbols that represent her home and her childhood. In esoterism, fruits like tangerines are often associated with abundance and luck, while pinwheels can represent transformation and change. The tangerine could symbolize Nami’s happy memories of her life at home with Bell-mère and Nojiko, while the pinwheel could represent Nami’s desire for change and freedom.

Nami is a talented cartographer, dedicating much of her time to drawing maps of the world. In esoterism, cartography can symbolize the spiritual journey and the search for knowledge. Nami drawing maps could be interpreted as a symbol of her desire to understand the world around her and find her place in it. This can also be seen as a reflection of her desire for freedom, as maps can represent the infinite possibilities of adventure and discovery.

Reflections and Conclusions

I have read about half of Oda’s work, maybe up to volume 52/53, and I don’t remember everything, which is also why I decided to read it again. I can’t yet know what comes after and I imagine it’s at least the same level if not superior to what I already know. With this premise, I can say that the events of volume 9 are the most beautiful and meaningful moments of One Piece (as far as I know it now); perhaps at the same level, but slightly below, I would place the Enies Lobby saga, when Nico Robin is the one asking for help.

In conclusion, the esoteric analysis of volume 9 of One Piece reveals a deep richness of symbolism and meaning. The themes of sacrifice, corruption, transformation, and the pursuit of knowledge intertwine in a powerful narrative that speaks to both personal and universal levels. Whether you are a long-time fan or a new reader, these are the stories and moments that make One Piece such a beloved and appreciated work. Through its complex storytelling and multifaceted characters, One Piece continues to offer opportunities for deepening and reflection, making it a series worth exploring both for its entertainment and its esoteric value.

