Today, , when Supreme Court Justices are inclined to engage in hypothetical assumptions rather than focusing on facts, Presidents should also consider appointing a competent journalist like Ari Melber to serve as a judge in such cases.

Opinion: E. van de Craats
April 26 at 03:00 AM, EU Time.
If a President can appoint Justices who are essentially prone to be politically motivated rather than legally motivated to protect the interests of the nation, a democratic President could also appoint people like Ari Melber for Supreme Court Justice. He appears to be more competent and concerned with serving justice than some of the current members of the Supreme Court. Look at the facts and take action. Stop pretending that Trump did not commit crimes.Turning a blind eye to the Capitol Siege, a clear insurrection orchestrated by someone who is now arguing for immunity, is unacceptable.On a different note, Trump himself is not denying that his actions should have consequences. He acknowledges his accountability. Why else would he argue that Presidents deserve immunity? He knows he cannot escape accountability.

@EliHannah The Dyslexic Writer @OneEarth

LLM in Business & Trade Law /Journalist and Expert in Information Science.