Antisocial Studios: An Introduction

Antisocial Studios
2 min readApr 3, 2022


NEAR Protocol is a dynamic and novel ecosystem, wherein Antisocial Studios is uniquely positioned to fill the needs of the ecosystem. We have a desire to build out NEAR infrastructure and be the pioneers in cross-chain engagement. We are committed to NEAR’s mission of onboarding a billion users to the blockchain.


Our mission at Antisocial Studios is to accelerate the adoption of NEAR to improve the lives of billions of people. Antisocial Studios aims to become a recognizable brand and a staple of web3.

Current Problems

Web3 moves at lightning pace. Everybody agrees on that. Unfortunately, this space has a shortage of talent getting involved with it. This is primarily due to individuals dismissing it and claiming it is riskier to work in web3 than in a safer field like web2. There are plenty of people with great ideas that never come into fruition simply because there isn’t anyone willing to contribute in building them.


At Antisocial Studios, our goal is to build projects for the greater good of the ecosystem. Our sister companies will be intertwined and benefit one another where relevant. We want to scout talented minds and help them bring their ideas to life. Ultimately, we are setting out to make it easier for the web2 workforce to migrate over to web3.

Current Plans and Future Endeavors

As of right now, Antisocial Studios has already embarked on a few ventures:
- Antisocial Ape Club: the NFT collection on NEAR Protocol.
- Antisocial Labs: a developer lab focused on making web3 development services readily available to everyone.
- NFData: a revolutionary NFT analytics platform that aims to provide all sorts of data on NFTs from the most prominent blockchains.
- Sakura: the home of 1/1 artists and fine art on NEAR.

Concluding Remarks

We are constantly looking for new opportunities to expand and bring something worthwhile to NEAR. That is not to say we will be limiting ourselves to one chain as our imagination runs beyond NEAR and encompasses web3 in its entirety. We encourage everyone thinking about taking the plunge into web3 to reach out to us so we can build something great together.

