Photography with the Nexus 6

2 min readDec 31, 2014

Motorola has done a great job with the camera on the Nexus 6. The wide f2.0 aperture and fast shutter speeds and camera response times make this a great point-and-shoot camera replacement. With added features like HDR+, you can also get some great shots in unfavourable lighting conditions.

Any filtered images will be noted. I like to mix the Nexus 6 HDR+ mode with VSCO Cam filters for a cool effect.

Edited in Snapseed and VSCO Cam
Edited using Google Photos filter
Edited in Snapseed

The giant display on the Nexus 6 makes it an ideal viewfinder for mobile photography. The 13 megapixel sensor performs exceptionally well, and in a lot of cases you can get a great image without any editing.

For more Nexus 6 photography, follow me on Instagram and Twitter.

