Why to invest in Ark?!

3 min readNov 16, 2016


There is some good reasons!!!

Initial supply: Here it is not about ´the more we have, the better it is´. The initial supply was pre-designed and accepted in the cryptocurrency world from previous projects. Therefore, this is the best amount set for a token project, in general opinion.

Foudation Allocation: The most important thing for a project to succeed is the team involved. Therefore, transparency about the team (even the rewards programmed for them) towards the group of investors is fundamental.

Distribution: The higher the distribution, the higher will be the shared fortune.

Rewards: One of the technical descriptions of the Ark Blockchain is Constant Block Reward. Here the Forging Delegates will have a constant 2 Arks block reward. There will be also a Inflation Rate (with 8s block times). 6.31% in the first year, 5.93% the 2nd year and 4.02% the 10th year.

Language: Node.js® is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome´s V8 JavaScript engine. Node.js uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficient. The Node.js package ecosystem, is the largest ecosystem of open source libraries in the world. Also used in Lisk.

Inflationary/Deflationary: Ark is inflationary, which is the best way of keeping, or raising it´s value.

Consensus: In Ark the Consensus is DpoS formed by 51 forging Delegates. DpoS stands for: Delegated Proof of Stake. 51 Delegates are selected by vote mechanism built into DpoS.

Voting: Here the DpoS Delegates will be elected, by Ark´s Token holders. One Ark equals one vote for one Delegate. Here we can see a big difference between the Lisk platform and Ark.

Block Time: With Ark a block is solved each 8 s, which makes it the fastest blockchain from the three. Fast transactions and validations occur, which makes it possible to process more and faster tranfers. That´s by far the best improvement made by the Ark developers.

Eco Friendly: With the adoption of forging and using a low amout of Delegates, Ark becomes high efficient, and so, there is less need of resource usage.

Official Lite Client: This is a strong bet from The Ark Crew. They made an extremely user friendly experience with a simple installation and without the need for a full node or blockchain download.

Webclient: For security reasons, and also, not making part of the goal this project wants to achieve a webclient is not being used.

2nd PassPhrase: Security is everything in this field of business. So the Ark Crew designed a 2nd PassPhrase option to optmize the security levels.

HD Wallet: This is feature is currently in development. The Ark Crew is preparing to release Hierarchical Deterministic (HD) Wallets (BIP32). Based on the same principals of Bitcoin, there was a custom implementation of BIP32 for the Ark users.

Multisignatures Accounts: With this tool, a user can create several accounts (address), giving more diversity to the range of possibilities per user.

Smart Contracts: It will be possible to create a run Smart Contracts via Delegations. Using the inovative SmartBridge technology Ark users can go beyond Ether Smart Contracts. The possibilities are endless.

Storage: The Ark users are provided with a IPFS Storage. Being also a pioneer in this area (comparing to Lisk or Ether), this project takes a big step making a more complex and friendly user platform.

Private Transactions: Privacy being very important, The Ark crew created this optional tool. Ark users will be able of creating private transactions in all the services developed for the Ark platform. This feature is still in development.

SideChains: Bridged Blockchain is the new technology presented by Ark. The Official Ark Bridge BlockChain Support will be launched in Q4 of 2017. There is an unlimited amount of applications for the Bridged Blockchains, which could allow Ark Crew to create a Microloan Bridged system, where people could connect, and help each other.

Access: The access is made with the Lite Client. Simple and user friendly to give all the Ark users the best experience possible and enables them to achieve whatever they want in the financial world trough the Ark platform.

There isn t to much more to refer…. Your way to the future stable investement is to join The Ark.

Official WebSite: https://ark.io

Article by: https://tec.ark.io/#Raxitto

