How Much Does An End Of Tenancy Cleaning Cost?

Antoaneta Tsocheva
5 min readSep 25, 2019


You have finally decided to move into a bigger space, or you might be moving out of town for one reason or another. You’ve had the movers come to pack your stuff up, now here comes that sticky issue of having to clean your former residence to a standard that makes sure you get your deposit back.

Question is, how do you go about it? How much will it cost? Will the cleaning be of a high standard? All these questions can be answered in this blog.

When you move into a new apartment, it is likely that you find it extremely clean the first time you visit. It the right of all tenants to be given a hygienic and clean property when they hand over their deposit, however, they also have to ensure that the standard they received the property in is maintained for the duration of their tenancy.

The majority of people do not actually engage in weekly deep cleaning, and that begins to tell months before they actually move out. Nevertheless, when it is time to move out, tenants have to ensure that the state of the property is just as, if not cleaner than what they met when they initially moved in. The truth is both landlords and tenants have to turn to the cleaning/service industry to ensure that their apartments are clean.

To ensure that this gap in the market is filled, businesses in the cleaning industry have created a service that is known as the end of tenancy cleaning. Should you get to the root of it, this service is actually no different from what a tenant would do themselves before handing back over a property to a landlord or rental company. It is a complete head to toes cleaning package that has been specifically designed for rented apartments and homes.

Who cleans what?

When it comes to the daily maintenance and cleaning of a property, tenants are responsible for that aspect. It is possible for them to be held accountable if there happens to be a dearth of hygiene on the property. They are also responsible for any spread of mould, pest infestation or any other health hazards. These hazards have to be removed and while they are costly, it is the responsibility of the renters to foot the bill. The driveway, patio and garden are also the responsibility of the current tenant as these areas are also part of the property.

As a tenant, you should know for certain which shared areas of the building the landlord is responsible for and which areas you are responsible for.

Reasons to have cleaning done at the end of your tenancy?

It has been proved by research that over half of the disputes initiated due to deposits are because of improper or insufficient cleaning. This means that it is the most prevalent cause of deposit disputes. If you do not perform an end of tenancy cleaning before moving out and hand the keys over to your landlord, the landlord will be forced to hire a cleaning company to engage in the end of tenancy cleaning and that could cause a reduction in your deposit, as funds to pay for the service will be taken from it. This is not something that favours you as the quality of end of tenancy cleaning will be left to the landlord, and since he is not footing the bill, he has no such concerns to use a cheaper service. The landlord will always prioritise receiving a high standard of service over ensuring the price is low.

The great news is that the landlord is unable to deduct an amount that is higher the full cleaning service cost. A receipt will have to be shown to prove that the service was paid for. Ensure that you as a tenant ask to view the receipt given by the cleaning business, before approving any deductions on your deposit.

Another reason why tenants should always engage in end of tenancy cleaning is that quite a large amount of money must have been deposited initially when the property was handed over. Certain landlords tend to hire the services of end of tenancy cleaning firms before tenants are able to move in. This helps to set a high standard which tenants will have to match when they move out.

What is the price of an end of tenancy cleaning?

The prices for end of tenancy cleaning typically depends on a host of factors, from the property type to the size of the property and if carpet cleaning is included. Below is a list of property types and the average end of cleaning prices attached to them:

End Of Tenancy Cleaning Prices

Factors that help determine the price

The rates for end of tenancy cleaning typically varies by cleaning company, however, there are certain factors that help influence pricing. Below are a few of them:

  • Property size — depending on how large the property is, your price could widely vary from the average price listed above. The larger the house, the higher the cost.
  • State of the property — this is another factor that has a strong influence on how much you pay for end of tenancy cleaning costs. If your home is dirtier than the average home, it can be safe to say that your end of cleaning costs will be higher than the average rate. You should bear in mind that end of tenancy cleaning is not just simply dusting, vacuuming and wiping down surfaces. It is a thorough, detailed and deep cleaning of your home. For instance, if your kitchen area has not been cleaned in over two years, then it is safe to say that your costs will be higher due to this.
  • Additional services — extra services such as carpet cleaning are not typically included at the end of cleaning service. These are services that while they ensure your home is in top condition are not covered by the typical end of tenancy cleaning service.

© FastKlean

Originally published at on September 25, 2019.



Antoaneta Tsocheva

CEO and Founder of FastKlean — commercial and domestic cleaning company. FastKlean works with over 250 experienced and insured cleaners. Established in 2001.