Apple watch after 6 months…

2 min readOct 3, 2021

What is an Apple Watch?

I’ve now had my Apple watch series 5 for over 6 months now, here’s what you need to know before going in depth. This model was around 399$ USD at launch since then, the price has dropped due to newer models coming out. It has a built in GPS able to track your location when you’re on the move, it also calculates calories using your current heartbeat. The watch syncs seamlessly with your iPhone allowing for easy transfer of data.

My toughts

The apple watch will motivate anyone into doing any sort of physical activity by closing your so called “rings”(A way of setting goals for calories, movement and standing). While using I didn’t run into any major bugs along the way and the screen is quite responsive.

What is great about the watch is the number of activities that can easily be tracked using its different sensors. For example: running, swimming, working out, cycling, walking and many more. This is great for athletes who want to track their scores.

You can also note that after six month everything still worked fine although I noticed a slight change in the battery life.


In conclusion,
The apple watch has been a great addition to my everyday life with all its great features. If I was going to buy one for myself, I would buy an older series since they are basically identical, and you will save a lot of money.

