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Simple modal to open details of an item (Django + bootstrap)

Antoine Garcia
2 min readApr 24, 2020


If you are using bootstrap + django (views & templates) and you happen to display a list of items that open a modal when clicking on it, here’s a simple implementation.

Let’s first show the list of incidents. For that we need a view and a template.

Notice the “incident-modal.html” of the template above. Let’s add it then.


Now let’s add the view and template for what we’ll display in the modal.

By now, your urls should look like that:

And hopefully this approach answers what you were looking for.

NB: I don’t expect the gists above to fully work by simply copy-pasting them. I’ve just extracted the essential information from my code.

Please reach out if you think there’s something I can improve, (related to this article).

